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Hooker's refrigerator

A sparsely filled refrigerator, containing of only a few items.
e.g. A yogurt, take out container and a half bottle of wine.

While looking for a soda I was amuse to see that Marina's refrigerator resembled the contents of a hooker's refrigerator.

by CheVolay June 7, 2009

Hooker tickets

Another term for American one dollar bills.

I paid for my lunch using hooker tickets.

by Roscoethadon April 9, 2018

government hooker

Government hooker is the sexy vampire from the movie, “The Invitation.” However, this term can also be used to describe yourself or others when acting hooker like, sexy, flamboyant, or British in the Streets. If you’re giving government hooker, you are 100% slaying.

Clayton: “omg! Did you see Joshua on stage in that thong? So government hooker”

Bailey: “omg yeah, my badussy is ITCHIN!!!!”

by critic.dude October 3, 2022

Tumblr hooker

A lame poser who tries extremely hard to be tumblr, yet hates on others whom are tumblr because they so desperately wish to be them.

Omg Hunter is such a fucking tumblr hooker smh.

by ThetruthHolder6969 July 6, 2016

Worse then a hooker

When the guy you are dating says he loves you but doesn't do shit for you. He treat you like a hooker

My boyfriend says he loves me but doesn't cut my grass, pay my bills or give me any money. He treat me worse then a hooker because at least a hooker gets paid for blow jobs

by Oh stewardess August 18, 2016

that's so hooker

Anything that is amazing/filthy/rock'n'roll.

Inspired by Gaga and Born This Way's Hooker on Church Corner.

OMG! that's so hooker!

by LittleMonster1203 February 1, 2011

Hooker Dice

A delightful game in which a hooker is fed dice and then bets are placed on what they will come up as when they are shat out. This can also be adapted to any dice game such as Yahtzee or craps, although it will take a bit longer per roll due to the dice having to pass through the hooker's digestive system and eventually her ravaged anus.

Bob: "You're going to Mystic Lake? What are you going to play there?"
Jack: "I'm just gonna play some Hooker Dice, brah."

by angrysuperhawk October 10, 2017