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When you hear the song "Can't Stop the Feeling" come on.


by uncrustable.penguin April 29, 2017

Hype Hating

A type of "mob mentality" wherein a large group of people have an unfounded dislike of something (Person, Place, Show, Movie, etc.) That they themselves have not actually consumed for the sole reason that it is the trendy opinion of that specific something. This phenomina is primarily seen on social media.

You've never even seen The Sopranos and you're dumping on it? That's some clown Hype Hating stuff right there.

by thegoat9760 June 2, 2024

ghost hype

Hype generated for a product, typically movies and television shows, in which people convince themselves that something will appear in this aforementioned product for little to no reason. Often times the evidence to warrant this hype is unfounded, and other times they are practically nonexistent. Some things that generate ghost hype are fan theories, rumors, photoshops ext. in most cases of ghost hype, the thing they got exited for are not present in the final product. Which results in the product being bombarded with negative reviews, but they will never admit they have fell victim to ghost hype and will instead site other reasons for the product for being bad.

Ghost hype victim: “I’m so excited for Tobey Maguire Spider-Man to team up with Hugh Jackman‘s wolverine!”

Normal person: “I’m pretty sure that not happening. Be careful you aren’t falling victim to ghost hype bro.”

Ghost hype victim: “no dude! It’s gotta happen!”

by John tabasco May 1, 2024

Ghost hype

A slang term used to describe the phenomenon of people building up excitement for a form of entertainment media, purely over nonexistent information and rumors that are taken as true statements. Often leading to disappointed and angry fans when the aforementioned rumors are proven to be false.

Friend: “ did you hear Hugh Jackman‘s Wolverine and Tobey Maguire Spider-Man is going to be a Deadpool 3!?”

Friend 2: “no I didn’t, I think that’s just a bunch of ghost hype.”

by John tabasco November 27, 2023

ramen hype

Ramen hype is the feeling is of excitement you get after consuming ramen


Guy 2: You good ?


by small 4,2 Man February 25, 2020

gutter hype

A street level junkie, who may slam sitting on a curb, hunched over the gutter. Preferably with a storm drain under them, so if the cops wheel up, they can lose the outfit, and any product(s) left.

That fool ain't got no game, he's just a gutter hype.

by Light Distiller March 13, 2023

Hype Night

A night where a group of high schoolers get excited for the event coming up next week.

Garrett: Hey Austin, You going to Hype Night tonight?
Austin: Only if it is the hypest.

by austinrnewton September 5, 2018