Source Code

Long divison

A longer way to do divison.

My math is based on long divison.

by DON'T KLICK ON ME! December 22, 2020

long gooch

its an area in between the ass and ballsack, specifically one that extends extensively.

My tribal name is short-staff, long-gooch.

Random guy : Whats up long gooch.

Long gooch : nothin.

by long gooch January 29, 2018

Long john

A very looooonnngggg turd

“Omg! Did you blow up the bowl and then leave a long John?!”
“Sorry mother

by Ipeedonthecat October 18, 2019

Long caster

The third and final AWACS in Ace Combat 7, after Sky eye and Bandog. He eats while working, and mostly talks about food. Even his icon is a burger, not a regular human head. Most of the time he is calm, talks about food and tells you about info. No wonder he is praised in the Ace Combat community as a God of food, and sometimes even modded into other AWACS.

He serves another purpose, a warning system... If he cant eat, you are fucked. He is either ANGRY AS FUCK or to busy to eat.

Count probably -Long caster cant eat, we are Fucked.
Wiseman: What do you mean?
Long caster: Wiseman is edible.
Long caster: *kills wiseman and controls the alicorn*
(the Voyage of captain count)

by Bosnian artillery June 21, 2021

Long Screw

A term by "Louis Rossmann" while working on consumer electronics such as an a2289 touchbar macbook pro where you put a longer screw than intended into a short screw hole. Ruining the screw hole in the process.

Geeksquad totally just long screw'd this a2289 touchbar macbook pro. Poor little macbook :(

by NotStepbro March 31, 2021

long sleep

Peaceful death

Work sucked I’m ready for the long sleep

by Ditullio650 October 17, 2019

Long Slong

Teegan is one of the only females to have a huge long slong that’s comes into the room 5 minutes after she does

Damn baby you look fine as hell with that long slong

by longslonggg May 12, 2020