The Drummer of Phish. The audial version of Bob Ross and blastoplast of the Death Star. The most underrated drummer of all time.
Nicknames: Fish, Henrietta, Tubbs, Friar Tubbs, Chuck Norris, amongst countless others
Jon Fishman tucking is great... You suck at tucking.
Sick ass flow artist that believes in love not hate
Well I'll be Jon Brown at a Flow Jam
faggot who always tried to smoke your weed for free.
Hi i'm jon hutton! can i smoke your weed just because?
A huge ass fuckboy that has a one inch penis who's will cheat on the most prettiest girls ever.
Jon Zito is such a fuckboy and has a tiny dick!
Yeah! I heard he cheated on Taylor for Emma and Emma is ugly Taylor isn't!
The most amazing squad in the world feturing Tom, Jake, Evy, Annie, Anna, Abby, and Aedan
Wow I wish my friend group was like the Jon squad
A man who can make thousands of people scream “ I GOT STDs”
Hey there’s a bunch of people screaming I got STDs, Jon Cozart must be there
A person with super human immunity.
I didn’t catch Covid so I must have a Jon Carty