A state of being extremely intoxicated to the point there is loss of motor function.
Sorry Jimmy I couldn’t answer your call last night I was really slobber knockered
Similar to the bees knees or the ducks nuts, if something is great, admirable, to strive for or worthy of going “straight to the pool”room. it is “The Quakkas knockers”
Did you see Thomos land cruiser? It’s the Quakkas knockers!
an individual who tit fucks... ...in Great Britain.
Timothy was a real johnny knocker, Maria was not pleased with her husbands particular partiality.
This is what 8 year old's on Call Of Duty think are bad lingo used by great players. But really, it isn't and they sound like dumbasses.
MLG Gamer: "Kid you fucking suck at this game."
8 year old: "No I don't you fock knocker, now let me kill you."
When the male genitalia is so girthy and long that when you walk by a toddler it knocks them off their feet.
Hey Marissa that guy last night had such a toddler knocker!!
(n) a pepper so spicy that results in one pounding the table while it’s being consumed.
While eating hot wings 2 friends discussed the level of spicyness
“OMG dude, I got me a table knocker”
“ this pepper it sure is a table knocker”
“Let’s get us some table knockers”
A goblin who knocks on the door looking for treats on Halloween if you don't have candy you're in for a very bad trick!
Hey Jared?
Jared:what's up?
Did you save some candy for the goblin knocker?