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They have good drinks, but the lines go on forever… it’ll take you 25 minutes just to get a cake pop and a Mocha Cookie Crumble.

Presley: ugh it took me 25 minutes to get this food!
Sarah: where’d you get it from?
Presley: Starbucks
Sarah: sucks for you

by mxcha.lxtte June 1, 2022


Gang affiliated income.

He gettin starbucks with them peoples though, so you know he's plugged.

by The 5th. February 6, 2020


Basically Its A Fucking White Girls Crack Shack

Britany: Lets Go to starbucks then

by Faithful ツ August 14, 2014


A place where white bitches go to hang out. You can usually spot people with messy buns and a latte. You can get coffee here. "Ok Maccks, here is the latte," the barista says. As you can see the name is misspelled. A StarBucks(er) can also be a typical white girl.

I went to StarBucks to get coffee.
Wow! She's a StarBuckser .

by Lolbutteranna February 4, 2017


White peoples legal drug.
There is a dozen of Starbucks cafes in New York and Starbucks is also controlling the world.

Me: do you wanna go drink a coffee?

Will: yeah! I knew that Starbucks recently opened nearby. (Starbucks is everywhere)

by Helena ch February 22, 2018


The cafe that every white, american girl gives their life to

Omg how can did you see that girl with that White frappuccino she is so starbucks

by WonderHealer August 7, 2017


Give up something to ensure a clean conscience, make a statement, and show universal unity

“Starbuck” it! I can’t be buying these overpriced goods when it is based in evil.

by Brich_bitch December 10, 2023