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finger buns

Jizzing on your index finger and RAMMING it up the chick's ass.

He finger-bunned that bitch good! He got jizz on his finger though.

by Brother Blumpkin April 28, 2005

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Bun Head

A persistant, long legged beast that uses it's bun to propel itself in and out of places with large crowds. This beast does this in order to attract attention to itself and possibly kill it's enemy. This beast becomes constipated if it does not make weird faces into an Iphone.

That girl is such a Bun Head! I can't stand her.

by Ssauce January 15, 2012

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Sweet Buns

A nice pair of buns (ass)

Holy crap, did you see the sweet buns on that Parisian Girl??

by -I'mNotSure July 30, 2013

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Front Buns

The weird fat pocket above the genitals on Obese people. A lump of fat caused by tightly worn pants that resembles an ass. See Fupa

That fat bitch should not be wearing those Jeans! Everyone can see her nasty Front Buns!

Adam has Front Buns!

by Hawk1644 September 6, 2006

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dead buns

Similar to saying "Are you serious?".

"Yo muh dude kiesha is prego."

"Are you DEAD BUNS?"

by jujy February 3, 2009

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Beating Buns

When you go out dancing and grind dance with someone from behind. The beating can be performed with your genitals and/or hands. A gentleman will always warm his hands up be rubbing them together before performing the spank.

Can also be abbreviated to "B-in B's"

Q: "What'd you do last night"
A: "We went to the club and were beating buns"


Q: "What were you doing out there?"
A: "Just B-ing B's"


Female: Damn I just want to go out tonight and get my buns beat.

by 3xMOP July 6, 2009

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bun season

Lasting from November to about April...bun season is the time of year that people spend indoors with a mate. This mate may or may not last thru all of bun season, or even into the spring/summer months when most teens go back to hugging the block.This often results in broken hearts, hurt feelings and bitter exes. Due to the fact that females dont wear a lot of clothes during the spring/summer...niggas start showing they asses.

Its bun season bitch.

by yourmomgoestocollege777 November 18, 2007

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