To find something that will belong to you
Find your missing puzzle piece
When an image/video/meme is so relatable that you just can't help but see yourself in it. The joke is that even though you aren't in it, you could be given how much you relate.
*picture of someone being very uncool*
Comments: damn where'd you find that picture of me
To find = to locate. A freak is a girl who acts and seems normal to those who know her or those she interacts with, but "behind closed doors" or with people that she does not know or are not related in any way shape or form to any part of her current everyday life and pose no threat of being able to expose her for who she really is to those that know her or that she faces daily or regularly, therefore allowing her to perform and allow others to perform any and all sexual acts without question, no matter how wrong or degrading, infact with extreme enthusiasm. The kinkier the better. These acts are called freaking and the person performing them or allowing them to take place using her body is called The Freak. For example;
See that pretty girl over there getting in the car with her family, if you're trying to find a freak , even though she goes to church every Sunday, takes care of her three children, when her kids are at school and her husband's at work, she is a straight freak!
Things only mothers find once you have given up or haven't tried hard enough
That moment when you look for something and can't find it so you ask your mother if she's seen it and you look there and still can't find it so you ask her again and she walks over and finds it exactly where she said.
"Mom I can't find the peanut butter!"
"It's on the top left shelf."
"I don't see it. It's not there!"
(Mom walks over, pulls out the jar that is right in front of your face.)
"Oh, thanks for the mom find."
A phrase meaning someone must get/find something for you and you will fund (pay for) it.
Those heels online are stunning... You find, I fund!
That pizza looks yummy.. You find, I fund!
another way of saying sex in the company of friends who know his phrase, making it harder for a teacher to understand your perverted jokes. This phrase is not connected to a bear, since this is a generict heterosexual or homosexual phrase.
Man, I'm so bored.
Lets go find bears!
i always catch you staringggg, lemme find out you like meeee