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Stump Grinding

Severe constipation and the noises that come with it. Oftentimes, the straining makes one sound like a stump grinder.

Man, Louis was definitely stump grinding yesterday. He was in the can for an hour and I could hear him all the way down the hall.

by RafneyJmike November 14, 2011

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Agressive Grinding

1. The act of grinding another person, animal or object with excessive force.
2. Hip thrusting with the intent to cause another uncomfortable pressure and possible embaressment

Example 1.
Observer (1) at dance party: Wow look at wendy she looks unusually uncormfortable
Observer (2): yeah, I think that new guy is doing some agressive grinding

Example 2.
Mike: Gee steve what happened to your pants they're all torn, your leg is all bruised and you look embaressed and confused.
Steve: Yeah Mike, I was just at this party and was agressively ground by the German Sheppard

by slapmark February 4, 2010

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Wenis Grinding

To rub wenises (elbows) with another person.

"WTF?! What's wenis grinding?!"
"When you grind your wenis with someone elses, DUH!"

by D!NOSAYRAWR<3 June 25, 2009

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grind show

a traditional carni sideshow that repeats itself continuously, for a changing audience

The sword sallower was also the MC of the grind show .

by for kicks October 27, 2015


When playing a video game, you stay in one area and level up, even if you're more than strong enough to move on.

I was playing Kingdom Heart and grind-leveling in Traverse Town.

by ElectroNerd January 4, 2014

Stump grind

stump grinding the act of two men rubbing their penis heads together as an act of four play.

Billy and Christopher did some light stump grinding in the living room after the movie ended before making their way to the bedroom to make love.

by Jb money October 18, 2017


A real money achiever. One that goes to a high depth to obtain a serious gain in financial weatlh.

Money is my motive to my hustle I'm a GRIND MOGUL

by GRIND MOGUL December 20, 2016