Jacking off and ending right before you’re about to cum and then proceeding to workout right after to maximize T-levels. Proven way to get your biceps bigger
Better Pre-workout than Gnar Pump
Me: Hey Joe, why couldn’t you sumo deadlift 450 today?
Joe: Bro, honestly, I didn’t half jack today, I’m just not feeling as good
Valve's Half-life is one of the best games, and one of the best game series, to grace the Steam library. It was revolutionary, and not only proved that mindless shooters can have a compelling story.
Half-life 2, proved that good physics can be a vital asset to shooters/ With the inclusion of the Gravity gun, one of the series most iconic weapons, the Source physics engine is put to the test, being able to launch entire boxes, and barrels, and throw them an insane distance.
The music is an integral part of the series. It puts some extra flavor on everything. Like when you come upon a very eerie setting like Ravenholm, creepy music begins. Or when you get thrown into a HECU ambush, or a Hunter-Chopper chase, amazing action packed music starts playing.
Something that helped take off the series was the inclusion of a silent protagonist, Gordon Freeman. Giving the player a character that only makes decisions that the player makes, means that you don't get to see a story though the character's eyes, you are the character. This stays pretty much the same through out the entire series. And not to mention that so many things came out of these games. Such as Counter-strike, Team Fortress 2, or even Garry's Mod, even though it's not a Valve game, it was built directly off of Half-Life 2.
And I can go on for hours, but you've probably got better things to be doing, like school work. But I don't blame you. School is terrible.
Long story short: Half-life is fucking amazing.
Guy 1: Hey man. What's you favorite game?
Guy 2: Half-life. Easy.
Guy 1: Nice.
A task so prolonged or difficult, it seems as though you're taking on more than you bargained for. Once completed, you feel so irritated (or relieved, depending on the situation) that you can't help but talk about it to someone.
Sophie: I didn't get picked up yesterday afternoon and had to walk home. It took me two bloody hours!
John Smith: That must've been a mission and a half.
"Half-Pete" is a reference to the mythical half man that lives in rural West Virginia in a basement of a large family. The story is told: His mother tried to abort him as an infant, however the procedure did not take. A week later, the abomination that is Half-Pete was born. With the lower section of his body skewered by incompetent surgical practices, he would physically only be half a man. Half-Pete is often referred to now as a full grown man, while other accounts say he is immortal.
He is described as vitriolic, spiteful and during bouts of his regular and intense pain, enraged. His story came to light when he tunneled out of the basement (from which he was made prisoner in) and into one of the off-set structures on the property where one of his younger siblings slept. Through years of tunneling, one night he cut his way through the carpet, attacked and killed his sibling in a bitter act of revenge over a long lifetime of abuse from the hands of his parents and siblings. Some accounts say he was force fed pain pills by members of the family wearing a "bear suit" (bear-resistance hardened suit) so as to keep the noise down during important family functions, in an effort to further conceal his existence.
Half-Pete can be used as an adjective when describing a situation, as follows...
"We came home to find in a mess of his own gore, like some Half-Pete horror show."
When you see a half tit on a female and have to go and bash one out
J: *whispering* look, half tit
R: wow
J: sorry but I’ve got to go bash one out over that
Living together under the same roof part-time.
No girl, we're not really living together. We are only half shacking.
When you’ve still got half a pint left but your mate offers you a drink and you don’t want to miss out, so you get a half pint with which to top up the glass. A common scenario since the decline of the fishing industry, so fishermen sit at a ‘spoons nursing a pint instead of fishing.
Ray: Want a pint mate?
Hank: Still got half, I’ll take a fisherman’s half