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Hella Cool

A saying mainly used in california meaning super cool

Man, that bong looks hella cool dude

by rick June 15, 2003

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uber hella

Combination of the words uber and hella. Used directly before an adjective to give an extreme twist to it.

John: That hat's dope.
Mike: I know it's uber hella cool!

by benormous April 17, 2006

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hella weak

hella weak (adj)- describing something HELLA poor in quality, taste or something gay, strange, interesting or busted

2. Something funny that will make you drop to your knees.

3. Being really sore from acting out Night of the Living Dead for 3 hours straight.

B: Omg, did you see Alex and Jaz yesterday?!
M: Duh! They're hella weak
B: I'm hella weak

by Mylessa && Brittney November 8, 2007

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hella days

depending on the context of use this can mean any period of time from a few minuites to a very long time. It normally how ever means a long time.

it can also be a sign of agreament

guy 1: dude i haven't seen you in hella days.
guy 2: ya i know its been awhile

example 2:
guy 1: dude this is some hard shit
guy 2: hella dayssss

by norcal isdashit December 24, 2007

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hella homo

Just the opposite of "no homo" yet has the same meaning. It's a very complicated phrase. Some people might think you actually mean what you said to be gay, when in actuality, you were just using a hilarious spin-off of no homo so you have to be careful who you use it around or you risk looking gay.

You see, if you sarcastically exclaim that you meant what you said in a homosexual way, most intelligent people will understand you're being sarcastic and proceed to laugh because they know you aren't actually gay.

Friend 1: "You know I'll always have your back."
Friend 2: *cracks a smile, realizing this was a pause moment*
Friend 1: "Hella homo!"

Friend 1 & 2 continue laughing at the perceivably gay thing Friend 1 said, however, he meant not for it to be gay, however, making it gay made it funnier, however, he is not gay.

by Zack Roderick July 23, 2011

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Hella Kid

1. Someone who is very immature, or did something immature.

2. A person who is very young.

Person B: Dude get the fuck out my face, that's hella kid.

by very_anonymous November 21, 2008

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hella gross

The word people use when their too cool to say something's disgusting

That tongue piercing is hella gross

by ddawggy February 25, 2010

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