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a quarter japanese

A silly drunken fat girl who uses her small percentage of Asian decent to try to make herself seem cultured, special, and "hott."
She also cannot spell, holds grudges for years, and will try to make your life seem worse than hers.

Don't worry, she's only a quarter Japanese. Your boyfriend does not wish you were hott like her.

by Taniesha January 31, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

Japanese Oil Spill

When a Japanese person sneaks up on a unsuspecting person and throws a bucket of their diarrhea on them.

Gord totally drenched that guy with a Japanese Oil Spill

by wheyend February 11, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Japanese Cuss Words

What Ken Cannon talks about in his YouTube Videos:
Kuso - Shit
Chikushou - Fuck
Babk - idiot
Temee- You bastard
Yarou - Bitch/bastard

Ken Cannon teaches Japanese Cuss Words on YouTube.

by Wushu April 25, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Japanese Caesar Salad

This where a woman will suck your cock till you cum in her mouth. Then you take a turkey baster and suck the gizz from the mouth. Place the woman on her back and roll over so her ass is up in the air and she balances with legs folded back over. Insert the turkey baster into ass hole and squeeze the gizz into the ass. Then place your favorite serving plate under the junk hole and have the lovely lady shit the gizz out onto the plate. There you go; you are now serving Japanese Caesar Salad.

We were invited to the Johnsons tonight for "Japanese Caesar Salad".

by Toecrib December 6, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Japanese Rain Goggles

Japanese Rain Goggles is when a man gets a oral sex from a woman while his testicles are on her eyes. Once he's about to reach an orgasm she blinks quickly giving him a slight tingle sensation to his testicles and increasing the pleasure.

Damn, i hooked up with this chick last night and she did the Japanese Rain Goggles, best head ever.

by dieselboy_tm November 24, 2010

3035๐Ÿ‘ 1869๐Ÿ‘Ž

Japanese Ham Sandwich

When a male tucks his penis and testicles between his legs and bends over so as to allow his companion easy access to pleasure the anus, testicles and penis head. Traditionally performed by European men within private circles.

Sure, one Japanese ham sandwich coming right up!

by polishchicagokurowski July 8, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Japanese Gas Pedal

A Japanese Gas Pedal is where you sit on the ground face to face with someone and you stick your foot in this person's crotch. Then you grab their ankles and pull. It's a rather painful maneuver that people rarely let happen to them voluntarily.

I was kicking JoJo's ass when he somehow managed to give me a Japanese Gas Pedal. This ended the fight and confused me at the same time, because I could have sworn that he was Chinese.

by The Life of Reilly July 18, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž