Source Code

teh old

Means "that's old shit, asshole".
The "teh" makes the person making the statement feel more 1337.

-Man check out this funny flash video!!!!1
-teh old!

by amus July 11, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Old Mud

Slang term for the greatest cheap light beer in the history of the World. Old Milwaukee Light.

Lets pick up some Old Mud for tonight and get wasted.

by MontanaGunmen May 20, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Old Wisconsin

An Old Wisconsin is when you take a crap in a sock and beat someone over the head with it.

Just Read The Definition.

by Doug Blitz December 21, 2004

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The Old Man

Army term referring to the commander of a unit. Usually used for a colonel or general, but can be used for a captain (who would be a company commander). Since most company commanders are still in their 20's in the Army though this isn't a common use.

Its usually a term of respect, but many times just used as to refer to the commander without any judgement of respect or disrespect. NOTE = this term is never used in the presence of the old man / commander.

Soldier 1: I heard someone call the barracks to attention, sup dawg?

Soldier 2: Sarge said go straighten your shit up, looks like the old man stopped in unexpectedly.

by infantryscoming August 19, 2010

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old cow

old woman thats an grumpy bitch

you look like an old cow today nan

by cow mqn July 29, 2017

Old Sport

Jack Kennedy.

Why hello there. Old Sport.

by melonester January 15, 2023

Old Steve

A nickname for heroine.

The dealer is selling Old Steve over there!

by Middle age Steve June 10, 2010