Source Code

the dirty rick

The town Billerica, ma

I'm going to the dirty rick

by Drugs101 February 3, 2017

rick james

For awhile after Chapelle did a scit about him on Chapelle's Show, many people could be heard yelling "Im Rick James Bitch" across the school halls. Sadely the real Rick James died shortly there after. Also sadely, one of his most notable last comments was, "Cocain is a hell of a drug".

person A-"Im Rick James bitch"
person B-"Rick James is dead bitch"

by Tyler December 30, 2005

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Rick James

80's pop star re-popularized by chapelle's show. He died August 6, 2004 of natural causes probably stemming for excessive use of drugs during his career.

I'm Rick James, bitch!

RIP Rick James

by killernoodle August 11, 2004

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Rick Flair

When you are having sex with a woman from behind but in the vag. you pull it out very quickly and shove it into her ass because it is still wet (your dick) and you yell RICK FLAIR THAT HOE...WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Thus compleating the RICK FLAIR.

"Dude I was fuckin her doggy style and I pulled out and Rick Flaird that hoe... WOOOOOOOO"

by G-rod Bridazzle January 14, 2009

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Rick Roll

You heard Somebody say "I got rickrolled again!" and went here.
You try to get your free robux and get linked to Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley. Haha.

"Wait this isn't Free Robux why is this the Rick Roll Link"
"THIS ISN'T THE Rick Roll LINK WHY IS THIS All The Single Furries"

by I Write Random Explanations June 11, 2020

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rick roll

The ancient art of trickery known by man for many millennia. To send someone to the realm of eternal shame and despair that they will feel for many hours.

Man 1: Hey, I found this cool video
Man 2: What is it?
Man 1: *Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)*
Man 2: ... SHIT
Man 1 : Haha, classic rick roll

by IsItWrongToButterMyAss April 27, 2020

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pickle ricking

Doing something ridiculous or stupid for the simple fact that you can.

"Now she's just pickle ricking. She didn't need to steal that lip gloss since she has a hundred at home."

by CarsonOnTheDaily November 20, 2017

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