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G Spot

This a girl speaking from experience. The g spot definitely exists. Its located about an inch or two inside your pussy. It feels spongy. When you or your partner want to stimulate it, stick your finger (or fingers) into your pussy and make a "come here" motion against it. You will have earth shattering orgasms if this is done right. Trust me. It feels so good. I could just sit around all day and just stimulate my g spot. My wet pussy makes this squishy noise that drives me crazy. Sometimes after an hour or so of fucking myself silly my fingers get tired and my pussy gets sore, so I have to take a break, but please believe Im right back at it again later!

Last night i stimulated my g spot for two and a half hours. I had so many orgasms i lost count. My covers were soaked with all of my juices. When i was done, i licked my fingers clean. Yum yum

by oshgosh November 14, 2010

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A pressure point located deep in the aural canal that, when gently massaged with a cotton swab, stimulates the reward center of the brain and causes the eyes to roll back in the head. Careful and continued stimulation of the Q-spot will invariably lead to eargasm.

"After 9 years of marriage my husband finally found my Q-spot and it was the best eargasm I've ever experienced."

by Ashid Mapanzigan February 2, 2013

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

dry spot

A grave. To put someone in a dry spot is to kill them.

"Feel these hot rocks fellas, put you in a dry spot fellas, in a pine box with nine shots from my glock fellas." -Nas, "Ether"

Chaz: "Oh, oh, oh!" *SPLAT!*
Ashley: "Dammit Chaz, you missed and got it all over my face and the bed again."
Chaz: "Oops, my bad. Good night." *rolls over to sleep*
Ashley: "What? Get your ass up! I'm not sleeping in the wet spot over here!"
Chaz: "Hey, it's better than sleeping in a dry spot...am I right?"
Ashley: "Well yeah, but-"
Chaz: "Trying to sleep over here, woman! Pipe down!"

by Nicholas D January 5, 2011

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Dead Spot

The area where you have no signal on your wireless device whatsoever and you can't send or recieve anything.

" I was having a really important buisness call with my boss yesterday until I hit a dead spot and lost it."

by k!NG KHANH June 27, 2007

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Spotted Cod

Referring to a person with many freckles which resembles a spotted cod, freckles commonly found on gingers

How is my little spotted cod today? (ginger)

by Josh Moreton March 20, 2008

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God spot

Situated in the left partial-lobe and has sense of 'spatial self', this newly discovered region in the brain (by means of fMRI 'functional magnetic resonance imagery' scanning technique), is hotly debated now as that same region that links us humans to God or the purported thought of having one.

Scientists are never tired of giving us various, quasi-scientific new intelligence tests in a plethora of testing methods: SQ ('spiritual quotient', also called sometimes SI 'spiritual intelligence'). This intelligence test advocates the God spot which give off 40 Hz oscillations that can be detected in the brain, and according to Robert Freitas there's a new Q! Called also SQ for Sentient Quotient: it is the amount of data a living organism can process per unit of time (baud/kilogram), which vary bewteen +50 in uberhumans, down to -20 in living 'insentient' plants!

by hammer---;, hytham May 2, 2007

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The legendary part of a woman's anatomy that, when properly stimulated, drives her into uncontrollable fits of rage and loathing - otherwise known as an abhoregasm. The K-Spot is commonly found opposite the G-Spot. Random polls have shown that 97% of women experience abhoregasms when coming into contact with middle-aged electrical engineers. The K-Spot seems to have evolved as a nature's way to keep nerds from populated the earth.

Dick seems to be a natural at arousing Jane's K-Spot.

by The K-Spot April 14, 2010

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