Source Code

paul denino


BLACK, paul denino

by 0xsesh July 15, 2017

47๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Paul is Dead

A rumor started in the sixties that claimed that Paul McCartney was dead. Songs such as "I'm so tired" and "Blue Jay Way" supposedly had messages in them that confirmed the rumor. Some album covers, like the original yesterday... and today cover were said to show clues that Paul was dead. People believed that an english mounty named "Billy Shears" replaced Paul after he crashed a car while looking at "lovely rita". He was supposedly burried on the greeg island of Leso. It is all an interesting story. If you are a big beatles fan or just someone with a slight interest, do a wikipedia search on paul is dead. There is a huge article on it. Remember that this is obviously a hoax started by a few fanatical beatles fans.

"Paul is dead man, miss him miss him miss him." This is found in when you play the last few seconds of the beatles song "I'm so tired" backwards.

by the real mark harper March 22, 2006

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Greg Paul

a slang for ''Rapist''

''Greg Paul invited me in to his white van''

by Zitait March 19, 2019

42๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jake Paul

Well, Jake Paul is an extremely retarded, selfish faggot.

Starr: ew, do you know Jake Paul?
Ben: yeah, I do. Jesus, he's a fucking loser.

by onionringbaloney March 7, 2019

114๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gay Paul

A term that homosexuals use for large gay men.

"You're quite the gay paul aren't you big boy"

by Matthew Friesen November 10, 2007

125๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Paul Smecker

The FBI Agent from the movie The Boondock Saints.

His name is a kinda reversed version of "small pecker"

Hojo: I just wanted to cuddle!
Paul Smecker: Cuddle? What a fag!

by Jon Reed March 25, 2007

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Paul Starling

Paul Starling is a nautical rock singer/songwriter, writing such songs as "Visions Of Drowning", "Caroline", "Old Tack Pianos", "Ballad Of A Raincoat", & "All The Good Looking Girls Are Dead". Some have classified his music as "chamber pop", while he has stated himself as a "nautical pop historian". He seems to be infatuated with the artist Frida Kahlo, as many of his lyrics include her name. He also has a near obsession with Hearst Castle. Most of his lyrics include references to the sea & California history.

He pulled a Paul Starling and decided to write a nautical pop song.

by DrCarlWilson December 11, 2009

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