A weird ass gang from ninjago , they tried resurecting the coolest ass villain ever. Also they broke the oni masks and I swear the are trying to get their asses kicked , looking at you , ultra violet.
person 1 : who is your favorite member from sons of garmadon ?
Person 2 : Propably Mr E concidering he can't talk.
An original character in a Fan Fiction that doesn't quite meet the conditions of a Mary Sue, but tows the line as a force fed, overpowered, overappreciated, overrated, overexposed character that is forgiven for all actions. These actions include murder and up to genocide, because of terrible writing tropes such as "lost control" or "Mind controlled".
Characters that are like the original character Son Bra in Dragon Ball Multiverse, a fanfiction Dragon Ball Z web comic that has run for over ten years. The character, Son Bra is the daughter of non-canon Vegito and Bulma, and is given extensive potential powers that she cannot control and is very hostile when she gains power. Her father, Vegito vows to kill her if she ever loses herself completely and commits violent crimes, because he would be the only one capable of doing so. Bra then goes on to hurt and kill multiple characters in the series, and even commits a genocide at the tournament in the series. All her actions are forgiven by all the characters for apparently no other reason other than "She couldn't control herself". Not only is she totally forgiven, but another character in the series, Zen Buu; reverses all of her actions without thanks and it's forgotten within seconds by every other character except her father. This makes her father look "evil" in comparison.
Wow, she may not be a Mary Sue level character, but she's certainly at least a Son Bra.
The one swear word they are allowed to say on television
lily from HIMYM: oh yoooouuu Son of a bitch
Verb, Adjective, Noun
When you suck the sh** out ya partner's genitals and it makes them release all their juices.
Inspired by how a Capri Sun juice looks after you've drank all of its juices. The person who has been Capri Son'd will need cuddles and will most likely fall asleep right after this special event. They have been dominated by the Capri Son'er noun.
1. Capri Son'd - Adjective, Verb
2. Capri Son'er - Noun, Dominant person
3. Capri Son'ee - Noun, Recipient
Note: As the Capri Son'er, you must be aware of your generosity and power. Please make sure to praise your partner's genitals in the process and also give thanks for the powers of the juices after. This will ensure the release you are manifesting.
Oh my God, they just Capri Son'd me!
She tried to Capri Son me!
When you accidently curse and then replace it with milk.
Friend: Son of a bitc- oh I mean son of a milk, sorry.