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Stump Grinding

1) When a girl is grinding on a guy with man parts that are short and fat. see chode

2) An action that is performed by a lawn maintenance specialist.

1) did you hear about Amy? i heard she went Stump Grinding last night!

2) My trees all died and i had to cut them down. i'm going to call that Stump Grinding company now.

by Awesomanda November 9, 2011

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Agressive Grinding

1. The act of grinding another person, animal or object with excessive force.
2. Hip thrusting with the intent to cause another uncomfortable pressure and possible embaressment

Example 1.
Observer (1) at dance party: Wow look at wendy she looks unusually uncormfortable
Observer (2): yeah, I think that new guy is doing some agressive grinding

Example 2.
Mike: Gee steve what happened to your pants they're all torn, your leg is all bruised and you look embaressed and confused.
Steve: Yeah Mike, I was just at this party and was agressively ground by the German Sheppard

by slapmark February 4, 2010

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Wenis Grinding

To rub wenises (elbows) with another person.

"WTF?! What's wenis grinding?!"
"When you grind your wenis with someone elses, DUH!"

by D!NOSAYRAWR<3 June 25, 2009

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Grime Grind

Disgusting boys who manage to get girls to have sex with them.

Tommy is always on his Grime Grind; he always gets pretty girls but he is nasty.
Luis is the grime grind.

by Bengalballs October 27, 2017

Grind Beast

The phrase grind beast is used to describe anything someone is good at doing it is all powerful

(Friend 1) β€œdamn that dudes good at cooking”
(Friend 2) β€œyeah he’s a grind beast”

by Gay010201010482 January 29, 2020

Gurmehar Grind

a condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the eyes are closed, the postural muscles relaxed, the activity of the brain altered, and consciousness of the surroundings practically suspended.

I'm hopping off guys, it's time to gurmehar grind.

by BigNigerianPrincess August 3, 2023


When playing a video game, you stay in one area and level up, even if you're more than strong enough to move on.

I was playing Kingdom Heart and grind-leveling in Traverse Town.

by ElectroNerd January 4, 2014