The complex series of highly coordinated movements Joe Biden skillfully executes in order to sniff the hair of an unwitting teenage female. The careful dance involves first the scooping of his face towards the female's hair, then the titular sniffing action that allows him to inhale her fragrance.
Boy he's really mastered the 'ol Biden Scoop and Sniff!
the action of giving 7 news a news scoop
michael:hey 7 news i have a scoop
7 News Australia: Hi Michael, would you mind giving us the details?
michael: ice cream scoop
Taking an ice cream scooper and ramming up ones ass. This resembles something like a Baskin Robbins scooper that is shoved up someone's ass. The recipient of this act was subject to pain or pleasure depending on if they are a masochist or not.
Person 1: Hye, why do you have a ice cream scooper
Person 2: Oh, yeah it's time to do the Burt Baskin Scoop tonight.
Person 1: Oh Hell No, this ain't a Baskin Robbins.
when a dog scoop its own poop and he shout i am a good boi poop-da-scoop
dog sayn i am good boi poop-da-scoop
When a male and female are embracing and the male picks up the female slightly by the ass.
Chad said about longtime girlfriend Kendra. "I scoop dat ass on the daily!"
Person 1: Yo, What's the scoop?!
Person 2: PENIS
When you use your two fingers to wipe when you're all out of toilet paper.
"Man there was no toilet paper in the bathroom so I had to do the two finger scoop"
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