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Wicked Fix

Wicked Fix

Wicked; wik-id adjective, wick·ed·er, wick·ed·est,

adverb and adjective.

Evil or morally bad in principle or practice; sinful; iniquitous: wicked people; wicked habits.

Fix fiks, fixed or fixt, fix·ing, noun and
To repair; mend.

Wicked Fix is also an upcoming Heavy Metal band from the High Desert of Southern California, Wicked Fix was manifested in 2011 by Ryan Gray. Current band members include: Ryan Gray (Vocals/Guitar), Alex Crocker (Lead Guitar), Mark Abbott (Drums), Austin Duggan (Bass Guitar) And Brian Lehman (Keyboard and Studio work).

I got a Wicked Fix off that band's performance. It's appropriate the for the band name to be named what I'm feeling at the moment.

by WFcyben July 6, 2012

John Wicked

Verb. Killed by a perfect stab wound

Paramedic 1: We had a guy die from one stab wound to the heart tonight!
Paramedic 2: Damn, he got John Wicked!

by HRTMNDR January 10, 2022

sara wick

Sara Wick is a ageless kid who is a Worldwide Legend and inspiration to other kids around the world. She is a badass. She’s a author, director , producer, porn director , Chef , One of the greatest Assassins alive , Basketball player , Rapper and songwriter. Don’t fuck with sara wick, she will take your chick.

Person : it’s a bird!

Person 2 : It’s a plane!
Person : NO ITS SARA WICK!!!!!

by Igot2go December 9, 2019

Wicked Snicker

a turd poured with caramel and peanuts scattered on the caramel

Dude 1: guess what man?
Dude 2: what?
Dude 1: I gave Mr. Johnson a wicked snicker as a present for giving me detention.
Dude 2: oh dude your sick!
Dude 1: you havn't seen what I gave to Mr. Smith if thought that was bad.
Dude 2: what would that be?
Dude 1: a wicked milkshake!

by LTFysgeo February 3, 2013

wicked yikes

More appropriate term for having to take a shit

Orgin: Coffee31556 & GhOsT_PATRIOT11

Be right back I have to take a wicked yikes

by Coffee31556&GhOsT_PATRIOT11 September 29, 2019

Wicked Don

Someone that is more wicked than a wicked badman

Cameron is a wicked Don
Andrew is not a wicked don

by Crimson Slayze September 3, 2022

Wick Walkin'

A nigga walkin' around you

Yo...I think theres a nigga wick walkin' around us.

by Gotm_Urban July 24, 2018