Wicked Fix
Wicked; wik-id adjective, wick·ed·er, wick·ed·est,
adverb and adjective.
Evil or morally bad in principle or practice; sinful; iniquitous: wicked people; wicked habits.
Fix fiks, fixed or fixt, fix·ing, noun and
To repair; mend.
Wicked Fix is also an upcoming Heavy Metal band from the High Desert of Southern California, Wicked Fix was manifested in 2011 by Ryan Gray. Current band members include: Ryan Gray (Vocals/Guitar), Alex Crocker (Lead Guitar), Mark Abbott (Drums), Austin Duggan (Bass Guitar) And Brian Lehman (Keyboard and Studio work).
I got a Wicked Fix off that band's performance. It's appropriate the for the band name to be named what I'm feeling at the moment.
Verb. Killed by a perfect stab wound
Paramedic 1: We had a guy die from one stab wound to the heart tonight!
Paramedic 2: Damn, he got John Wicked!
Sara Wick is a ageless kid who is a Worldwide Legend and inspiration to other kids around the world. She is a badass. She’s a author, director , producer, porn director , Chef , One of the greatest Assassins alive , Basketball player , Rapper and songwriter. Don’t fuck with sara wick, she will take your chick.
Person : it’s a bird!
Person 2 : It’s a plane!
Person : NO ITS SARA WICK!!!!!
a turd poured with caramel and peanuts scattered on the caramel
Dude 1: guess what man?
Dude 2: what?
Dude 1: I gave Mr. Johnson a wicked snicker as a present for giving me detention.
Dude 2: oh dude your sick!
Dude 1: you havn't seen what I gave to Mr. Smith if thought that was bad.
Dude 2: what would that be?
Dude 1: a wicked milkshake!
More appropriate term for having to take a shit
Orgin: Coffee31556 & GhOsT_PATRIOT11
Be right back I have to take a wicked yikes
Someone that is more wicked than a wicked badman
Cameron is a wicked Don
Andrew is not a wicked don