A very cool person who keeps on getting put in very awkward situations. Very fun to talk to :)
“Wow is that _r.1.n?”
“It is! They’re so cool”
March 14th for people who don't eat pie on pi day.
Man, pi day is fun, but I prefer In n out day when my ex gf won't let me celebrate pi day.
To be extremely high or under the influence of alcohol,opeits, or memes and then to be caught by the infamous “coots” who will then arrest you on the spot and then lock you
“Man I was smoking that good shit and got Zooted ‘n Cooted and now I lost my scholarship”
Wrap it up and hit the gap. Put a condom on and have sex.
Yo, check out that ass, im gonna wrap n gap that!
N&T,ocd is numbers and tapping ocd, when u have to tap something a certain amount of times or for a certain amount of time. U can feel stressed and annoyed or relived. Relived being I have the power to fix things to make sure ppl won't get hurt but it is really just all in your head. Stressed and annoyed being having to tap for a certain time or until u count up to a certain number a lucky number and u try to avoid unlucky numbers. Also when u try to avoid doing this u may feel like something bad is going to happen and it all depends on u to make sure it doesn't. It may feel like the worst thing in the world but u will eventually get use to this. Sometimes the reason this happens is because you are worried that someone will get hurt or someone may die or anything that u are scared of happing.
N,t,ocd is, Numbers and tapping ocd is when u have to tap something for a certain amount of time or until u count to a certain number this mainly happens to ppl because the are worried or stressed about something.
When you’re extremely drunk and begin losing all sense of reality. The thoughts your mind once held are no longer there and you yearn for the next beer. It should be your goal at every function to get to this point of blood alcohol level heaven.
Did you see Glynn with the coffee maker at UNH, he was hoods n’ pants that night.
When you've started showering but then get the need to shit so you step out mid shower and very slipperly sit on the throne. It's a wipe free situation as you will rejoin the shower just after... one of life's sweetest treats
F: can I get in the bathroom
M:Sorry hun, gimme t mins
F: why? Your in the shower
M: yeah that taco got the best of me so I've had to take a tactical slip n go. I'll be back in the shower in 3 mins