A Black celebrity with Latin style or culture.
Bruno Mars is the perfect example of a teleLatino black guy
The same as a Bermuda Hot Pocket
Bro I was one of the 3 guy's in a 3 guys 1 hot pocket last night and it was so sexy! She had all of her holes filled with shit!
Where typically the antagonists in movies are bad at everything because they are going up against the good guys, one major example of this is in Star Wars
Rebel Trooper 1: Wow these bucketheads can't aim.
Rebel Trooper 2: Classic case of Bad Guy Syndrome.
There is only one guy in London his name is John
John Sadly is still the only guy in London
The sentence «come on guys lets be friends now» originated from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Its used when you talk shit to someone, and when they say something back you reply with «come on guys lets be friends now» its a way to make yourself look like a victim even though you are obviously in the wrong.
Ponylover2004: hey leon go hang yourself you are shit at the game
Leon: why are you so toxic?
Ponylover2004: come on guys lets be friends now
The sentence "Come on guys lets be friends now" originated from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. its a sentence you say after bullying someone, and when they talk smack back to you you say that sentence. its basically a way to play victim when you are obviously in the wrong.
PonyRider2002: hey leon you fucking suck at the game hang yourself
Leon: hey why would you say that?
PonyRider2002: come on guys lets be friends now
1) in lacrosse, a chief who refuses to shoot overhand even when it would be more convenient to do so. a sidearm guy always shoots sidearm because he thinks it looks cool.
2) in life, anyone who insists on doing everything in a lazy or inappropriate manner. They wear hats cocked at stupid angles and leave trash all over the floor. this is derived from definition 1), as sidearm guys translate their sidearm ways into an entire lifestyle.
Hey sidearm guy how about shooting overhand once in a while? You might hit the cage. (P.S.... you're brute)
Hey sidearm guy how about putting your life back together.. it's in shambles right now.