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Urban Dictionary

A website where your lame ass can see what a new trendy word means, because you're too embarrassed to ask.

-Hey, what does 'on fleek' mean?
-You for real, bruv? Go check on urban dictionary, smh.

by xnxstxsiyx November 3, 2015

Urban Dictionary

An online site where people of all ages learn definitions that aren't always accurate and illicit for children

The Urban Dictionary

by this_girl_knows_all May 25, 2020

Urban Dictionary

The place where politics, racism, sex, and general stupidity can conjoin together into a beautiful amalgamation of idiocy. It's the website you're on, by the way.

"Urban Dictionary, where intelligence goes to die."
- Me, 2024.

by I.E.I. Industries March 12, 2024

2👍 1👎

urban dictionary

a slang word dictionary

lets go on urban dictionary

by wipple bipple June 9, 2021

Urban dictionary

A website where dumb apes make definitions that have no meaning.

"Did you see the urban dictionary definition?"

by Dumb ape April 20, 2017

Urban Dictionary

The dictionary where no matter what the word you search does have a dirty definition following the clean one.

Bop: used to reference a good song; to say that a song is really good

Also bop: the act of giving head(oral sex).

Urban dictionary for ya

by Joshlerandmel November 21, 2018

Urban Dictionary

What you are looking at RiGhT nOw!

Person 1: "What are you doing?"
Person 2: "Oh, I'm on Urban Dictionary."
Person A: "I can't believe we're not allowed to be on Urban Dictionary at school!"
Person B: "Ikr"

by TheZwick32 December 14, 2024