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emo stands for “eat me out”, because let’s be real, who doesn’t want someone to “emo” them.

come onnnn, e.m.o 😫 (emo)

by mommyisme September 6, 2023


emo kids really need to get a life i used to have simpathy for them but simpathy i have no more because back in the day no one used to cut there wrists ever
but then one day some dumbass movie came out and then kids started cutting there wrists wut the hell y do u like being hurt even more?
i dont like labels and all but damn emo kids get out of ur little depressed world

someone who thinks they are depressed and they "cut there wrists" basically cat scratches
real emo dig deep in the skin
kids who want attention do cat scratches

by LALApants April 6, 2007



skyler is emo

by your momz October 29, 2021


An emo person could be sad but emo people aren’t always sad being emo is more like a style choice. Emo people wear black and dark colors.

Sarah like to wear black she must be emo.

by angelchick2008 January 3, 2022


Fucking Trash Human Beings.

Dat Niquese Emo

by Daquan Johnsonson December 21, 2018


A person that says they are Emo. So stop calling a person that wears all black or an anime jacket emo. They either have nothing in their clause or just a big fan.

hey are you emo”.

by Itz_numbers April 16, 2022


A person who is truely depressed and usually cuts themselves. Not just their wrist; legs hands fingers cheast, anywhere. There can also be emos mixed with a goth; A person who hates themeselves, everone else, usually hurts themeslves anyway weather its cutting, scratching until you bleed, choking, burning, anyway really. A person who is truely ''fucked up'' and who wants to watch the world burn, and then light themselves on fire to burn with everyone else. Not an actor truely has problems.

That kid really hates everything hes so emo.

by Ezra666 December 7, 2011