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John Wicking

The action of a man making finger guns with both hands durring doggystyle; then inserting both pointer and index fingers the woman's vagina on both sides of his penis, followed by inserting both thumbs in her ass. Commonly done when the man wants to feel a tighter hole.

I fucked the shit out of Jessica last night, but she was pretty loose so I had to give her the ole John Wicking.

by The_Deacon June 29, 2024

Big John

Someone who parties with perkys

Once I heard that big John took a perky but fell down immediately

by John king1 February 12, 2019

Big John

Our lord and saviour, controls every country, every bank, funds both sides of every war. Controls everything you have ever known.

"ah my taxes have gone up" -alex
"Just big John controlling the world :/" - Collom

by The alphabet is a lie November 25, 2023

big john

big guy

holy shit! big john! *camera pans to a huge guy*

by radioheadenjoyer15 October 11, 2023

Big John

Someone who constantly one ups you, no matter how ridiculous the statement.

"My grandfather has an incredible hat collection. He has 742 hats!"

"That's nothing. I have *743* hats!"

"You're just Big Johnning me."


"I used to do ballet when I was little."

(A 400 pound morbidly obese person) "I starred in Swan Lake!"

"Yeah, OK Big John."

by Wolfy6688 December 26, 2015

john glenn middle school

the worst place on earth.

located in bedford, ma., it has a student population of 600 students, half of which are probably going to end up vaping in high school if not earlier. named after some old superintendent, not the astronaut.

the 6th graders at JGMS are out of their mind. passing by any 6th grader, you will hear the most aggressive and obscene language come out of their mouth. its fucking terrifying.

the 7th graders at JGMS are basically 6th graders but nerfed. the popular girls are all obnoxious and wear ten pounds of makeup. they're attendance abusers and just annoying.

8th graders are just 7th graders on steroids. half of them vape in the bathroom and fight in the middle of a hallway. they think they're better than everyone.

the teachers also suck too. most can't even do their job correctly and care too much about political correctness to teach.

person 1: what school do you go to
person 2: i go to john glenn middle school
person 1: isn't that place hell on earth?
person 2: worse.

by dads_divorce_papers October 20, 2023

John Handcocked

Using the term "John Handcocked" is a biblical allusion to the time when John Handcock was the first bigdickmotherfucker to sign the Declaration of Independence. Using his large weinor, he scribbled his large signature on the document with his dick juice; he also served as a leader during the American Revolution.

I just John Handcocked the fuck out of this discussion board. Our discussion post was supposed to have 3 images
but for some reason mine are like 10 times bigger than everyone else's.

they will know my name.

- Denrari "Rari" K.

by Fentjamin Master February 9, 2025

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