Source Code

Ethan N

A god walking amongst mere mortals. of Scandinavian origin his ancestors probably enslaved yours and he is in the family business. His gravitational pull is so large that it attracts all the honeys toward his center. he has a dark past... also unrelated he regrets 9/11. His rapping tunes swoon me into fanciful thinking of what i know can never be between us. His eyes tell me a story his words seem to contradict and all my hopes of being fulfilled in the night hours so depend upon his abnormally long middle toe that i fear if i do not receive its immediate attention i will die grasping on too my Ethan body pillow.

Ethan N: i am going to write you up for gambling since you stayed in the dorm during the fire alarm
guy: 9/11 was not your fault, don't take out your pain on me, i can help you.

Ethan N: you can't help me! I'm too far gone...
guy: no Ethan you're not! there is good in you, you just have to let me see your abnormally long big toe, i mean open up to me.

by Plutarch2024 January 29, 2024

Slurp n' turp

When someone does something surprising, genius and slightly funny they have made a slurp n' turp action.

If you are know for doing these things often, you become a slurp n' turp.

"Wow he just build a bridge to safe a cat from across the river, that's so slurp n' turp!

by Emmachamp February 1, 2017


N^3 = N x N x N = No Nut November
Pronounced: “N cubed”.

A simple code for one of the toughest times a man can endure.

Useful “bro code” in public areas and/or near loved ones.

Bro 1 : Man N^3 (N cubed) is so hard!
Bro 2 : I lost N^3 (N cubed) yesterday, I am not the man I thought I was.
Girl/s overhears conversations : *Understands nothing*

by #1 Boss November 9, 2019

glitter slip n slide

When a girl gets eaten out by a gay guy.

I met this gay guy at a club and he tried out the glitter slip n slide!

by renooner April 5, 2014

brown can say n word yep


BROWN CAN SAY N WORD IN SENTACNE brown can say n word yep

by NOTPANTS4444 September 13, 2020

Jamaican half n' half

The act of a woman sucking on a mans testicles while he simultaneously urinates and defecates creating a showering effect that half covers the woman in urine and half in feces.

Angelica went out and got a Jamaican half n' half from her buddy Xander.

by ButtDartsWorldChamp January 30, 2024

In-N-Out Stinker

When you are enjoying anal sex with a significant other and they start trying to push out a big 'ol stinker.

Yo I was slamming Rebecca in the ass and she started pullin off an In-N-Out Stinker and I just pulled out and washed my dick off. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

by Phasmid9 September 6, 2017