On the night of All Hallows Eve, the male proceeds to thrust a carved pumpkin onto his partners, male or female, head while participating in the act of sexual intercourse. While the male performs these tasks he must yell out "Trick or Treat."
I can't wait for halloween this year, Pat promised to give me The American Jack-O-Lantern.
She really likes the box o' wine; maybe a little too much.
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if you dont know what this get help
i went on to htt ps:/ /my.urbandictionary. c o m/add.php to submit random things to annoy the website
why not?
because its annoying someone and its not nice to annoy people
and do i care?
i hope
this is the american alphabet for my 3 yr olds
The word a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z means hello
Bro, did you see John yesterday? He got punched he want O O F.