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O shit

O shit is a way of saying "oh god wtf what the crap what the fucking god" or (2) "wow that just wow fucking wow'

Jim: Hey bruh I got a gf
Me: O shit (2)

by Hmm Idk why May 24, 2021

O shit

1. An expression often used when one is surprised.

2. Often followed by "waddup".

1. O shit bro, I forgot my wallet.

2. Here come dat boi o shit waddup!

by Jimmy Proton December 4, 2016

O shit

What you say after something unexpecting happens or trying to be funny when you're not at all you worthless sack of shit.

Car:*runs over bowl of spaghetti*
Guy:"o shit"

by Shayeiguess January 19, 2018


Something yo do in yo own spare time

Fuck ima Jerker.2.o to the gentleman ghost man tonight

by _sillyguy_0 June 10, 2023


Left-Right: testicles, shaft, head / mouth, nose, squinting eyes.

Do me a favor!? 8===>O~X
(Two Words! Sucka Dick!)

by 1stLtHTSavage May 17, 2022


A person who drinks so much wine that they start to get fat, even though they don't really eat anything; comparable to a person who gets a beer belly

Oh my god, Karen, you're such a swine-o! Your gut is touching the floor, and it's not because you're leaning!

by pepsismear July 27, 2019

Pie o’ Memes

A sore loser.

Wow, you’re really a Pie o’ Memes

by OopsROBLOX June 24, 2018