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National slap people younger and shorter than you day :D

Slap people younger and shorter than you

1:I'm gunna kidnap you
1: cuz it's National slap people younger and shorter than you day :D

by 🍋🖇️ lissythelemon 🖇️🍋 March 4, 2024

proper d

When the length of the dick allows for both of the partner's hands to grasp the shaft, and leave enough left over for the head to peak out.

"I was able to get both of my hands around it and then some!" . "He is working with a Proper D!...unlike Kurtis' baby d".

by FATJESUSBITCH June 29, 2017

Dubya d

The best lube ever made. Also know as wd40.

Pass me the damn dubya d Ricky need some some help busting this nut.

by Pskiz May 4, 2022

Kai with a D

Ship name of Kai and Dylan
The 2nd best couple in Jamaica (along with Jessiah)
My fave couple!!!❤❤🌼🌷🌺

Kai with a D is so cute together💕

by icxnic.mxndy June 27, 2022

D ark

“D ark” a pitiful loser who can’t ever make friends and is horribly unfunny

Or some person who is extremely emo

Ay Ayden why can’t you stop being such a D ark”

by Ak lol September 10, 2021

John D

When JJ Maybank from outerbanks is making fun of Kiara (KIE) and it’s really hot the way he says it.

If your name is John someone can say “just give her that John d already” and that means you guys should probably fuck. Also Jj is being hot in this scene. Mostly always tho.

by jjishotasfuuuuuck August 23, 2021

El D

Sacramentan slang for "El Dorado County"

Brian: What took you so long to get that beehive?
Russell: I had to go to El D, stop complaining.

by Colin32611DictionaryLol September 27, 2023