The one friend that you always get a pedicure with. You should never cheat on your pedi buddy with another friend.
I always get my pedicure's with Shasta, she is my pedi buddy! She would never get a pedi with her Mama!
leetcode buddies, n. two or more people who perform the act of leetcoding (ie. do leetcode problems) together, whether physically together, virtually together, or even with each other in mind. oftentimes, leetcode buddies lean on each other for help, work through problems together, et cetera. leetcode buddies can also be dating.
a: vlad and helen are leetcode buddies!
b: also, they’re a cute couple.
The phenomenon where some men between the ages of 20-35 only ever refer to people they're talking about as "my buddy" despite usually being nothing more than a vague acquaintance with them. Typically when you become aware of a friend or family member doing this, it's becomes very hard to ignore. The guys who do this are generally the dude bros after college, or that didn't go to college in the first place.
"I don't think I've ever heard Dave refer to any of his friends by name, for all we know, it's the same guy. I guess he's got a bad case of Buddy syndrome"
when someone is being weird and you don't know what to say
Person 1: life is so dark man i love it
Person 2: ok buddy
1) Flunk Buddy: Someone you're friends with and both partake in the action of failing and being happy because you weren't alone in the process.
2) Flunk Buddy: Also a low GPA student in which u converse about how Funny failing a test is in which to drown out the thoughts and stress of failing classes.
Kid 1: What did u get on your Science Project?
Kid 2: An F- hahahahah
Kid 1: Yay we are Flunk buddies
Kid 2: *GASP* Do you think we can be those COOL super seniors
Kid 1: *cries inside* Yes Flunk Buddy, Yes we can.
When someone rents their vehicle or personal belongings to a drug dealer in exchange for a product.
Scotty didn't have the car, because he used it as a buddy rental to get high.
The person you sit next to in a certain class, but never hang out with or talk to outside of that class. Usually only needed because your friends aren't in that class, or because your teacher assigned you seats.
In common usage, the word 'class' is replaced with the class you're referring to, e.g. French, English, Maths.
1. How do you even know that guy?
He's my Math buddy. We work on fractions together.
2. She wasn't my friend, she was my French buddy. Working on irregular verbs does not count as a friendship.
3. He was my class buddy. Not sure what class.