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Road Farming

The act of aimlessly driving up and down the highway or backroads to clear your mind, a kin to a combine driving up and down the plow rows.

Bobbi 'Where ya goin' sweetheart?'

Mitch 'Road farming ... busy day at the firehouse. Just need to think some things over.'

by Jeannette Rankin October 1, 2018

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farm ant

1. A really big ant
2. A really fat person

guy 1 : woah look at the farm ant

by redneckgangster September 4, 2009

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google farming

The act of farming for gold, items, and experience for use in MMORPG type games, such as World of Warcraft, by searching for third-party service providers using Google.

It took me less than an hour to acquire 1000g by google farming.

by Michael Apodaca June 18, 2007

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cotton farm

The lint that collects in your belly button after wearing a cotton shirt

At the end of the day You pick the lint out of your belly button. you're growing a cotton farm.

by Kurt5252 March 12, 2008

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Pussy Farm

Noun, an all girls middle school
Verb, to breed children for sex...common practice in the american south

!. Trap door to the pussy farm wide open!

2. Man does that dude sleep with all his daughters, yes he's a strait pussy farmer!!!!!!

by Psuedonymphomaniac August 20, 2008

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Farm House

"Farm House Fuck"
term used to describe a girl/guy who is wild and likes things on the country side

Farm House Fucking is just "fun times"

by McSunas March 6, 2008

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Animal Farm

1) A book written by George Orwell about the dangers of communism.

2) A book you should read before going away to a liberal arts school if you don't want to get swept up in communist (radical leftist, anti-fascist) propaganda like I did.

I went to college as a bright young woman ready to explore the world. I came our a crushed, brainwashed, shell of a person because I was indoctrinated into a communist student organization my freshman year. I wish I paid more attention in class during high school when they taught us about Animal Farm, because then maybe I wouldnt have ever joined the group or gotten the words "capitalism kills" tattooed across my back.

by AmericaHasHopeDontBecomeCommie July 8, 2017

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