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love is the most agonising thing i have felt..
but also the greatest thing i will ever experience...
u get the feeling no one can say or feel more in love for that person than wat u are feeling...
the best times of my life hav been with who i love.
it blinds you it chokes u and it hurts you wen u relise that person u loved cheated on you it drives you so far to the edge of life...till u want to give that person another chance an u spring bac hopeing they just made a mistake...i think it makes u feel everything lonly sad desperate unwanted an much more...human kind likes to cling to that wonderful feeling of being wanted wen u seem to hav been left behind while everyone else seems to travel in and out of love as they say they are, but then who are we to judge what they feel...love really cant hav a pure definition as it is such a vague but such a tromendous feeling..it is what u make it and what your partners feels towards you.

"i love you dane"
"you are eveything to me"

by m**i* December 10, 2005

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Being with someone for more than 6 months, and knowing that's who you want to spend the rest of forever with. Why 6 months? Because in that time period, You have known the individual long enough to get to know them for who they really are and what they believe in; in which time you develop deep feelings for them as far as caring about their wellbeing and wanting to constantly be with them.

They have been dating for more than 15 months, they can honestly say that they're in-love.

by lawlololol April 12, 2011

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Love simply is a word. It is something that teenage boys will say to get into your pants. It is a strong feeling, but I'm not sure it even exists.

I love you
I am in love with him.

by O_o_I'm_a_freak_o_O December 28, 2009

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the best and definatly the worst thing in the world

i love him but he broke my heart!

by auti April 22, 2008

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When one will honor the choices of another friend. when one will be thier, or not when called apon to do so. Even when it hurts themselves. Someone who will make you feel better about yourself even when you do dumb shit in the process. love will let go if asked to. Love is pain, process, kindness, hard work, and forever. Love is compasion, strength, beauty(inside), and joining. Love is feeling and a well over used word at times. It is the difinative action of one 1/2 to another to make whole the forces it bounds. Love has no time, space, pr boundry's. It will heal or hurt for sake of it's situation. Love listens, respects, and carry's us threw. love goes wrong in jelosy. Gets torn and takes time to see clearly.

A family is love. True friends are love. I will always love you. That is the truth. You made a choice and I honord that decision as your friend and lover. The other 1/2 of me is you. It will be your decision/choice to change and mold the path you want and I will respect and honor that decision until the end of my days on this earth. Threw laughter and sadness I am here for you. that is love. Love is you love is me.

(Take what you want from this)

let me see,
The best you've become in all it's worth;
I dont even care if your pecker has gurth;
I will be here waiting even though it's tragic.
At times so much it felt like magic;
To be without your voice this time.
know that love means I'm not just a dime.
Not a toy you throw in a box.
With you gamer quotes and stinky socks.
love gets dorky and stupid when tangled inside.
Fills you with fear but keeps us alive.

Love is me and love is you,
tell me now what I should do?

Example 2; Genisus, song title, "Momma"

by sanejane<3ingfriendnotahoe October 23, 2009

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It's love if she greets you with a wack around the head.
It's love if she refers to you as wab on a daily basis.
It's love if she pulls that shirt she doesn't like off of you every time you wear it.
It's love if she gives you her gum when she gets bored chewing it.
It's love if she insists that you spend more time with your friends.
It's love if she only calls you to get you to do something.
It's love when you can sit next to each other and watch a movie, without touching.
It's love when your time together is filled with comfortable silences.

It's love when she does all these things, grins her stupid grin, and flings her arms around you.

This is love.

You really are a wab;

and i love you.

by dafttpunkk May 12, 2007

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1. An English word: similar to adore, desire, very strong like. Opposite of hate.

2. A drug: A complex combination of chemicals produced by the body to ensure successful mating and bonding. Typical effects may include decreased sensitivity to pain, increased motivation to succeed, increased blood pressure, increased pleasure during sexual activity, interrupted sleep patterns, irrational behavior, erratic mood changes and a strong desire to bond with the object of desire.
Effects are most intense during the first year or two, then diminish gradually until the patient is fully recovered, usually by the seventh year.

3. An emotion: Spontaneous, similar to happiness and sadness, felt during acts of kindness and affection. Usually accompanied by various combinations of smiling, laughter and tears.

4. A commitment: A promise of devotion, to stand by through good times and bad times, to be faithful and honest. Actively looking out for the good of another.

5. True love: Much sought after, rare, ever lasting, unification. Similar to a perfect song or a diamond. Requires all of the above.

e.g. 1."I love chocolate ice cream."

e.g. 2. "I just met the new girl at the ice cream parlor, and I'm so in love with her."

e.g. 3. "I love you."

e.g. 4. A mother's love for her child is unconditional."

e.g. 5. "Your grandparents are like a couple of love birds."

by cloud195 May 25, 2013

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