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movie jacker

You know the type, the balding, squirrely-looking guy with glasses and a trenchcoat who turns up to an 11:30pm showing of an animated kids' film. His mission there is to jack it during the entirety of the presenation, with the majority of satisfaction derived from the paradoxial concept of a grown man getting off while watching a kids' film. Surprisingly, although it is very easy to identify a movie jacker, movie theatre staff are unable to prevent him from successfully buying a ticket, leaving fellow cinema-goers unsettled and disturbed.

Me and YK went to see TMNT last Friday, it sucked, especially since there was a movie jacker there: those guys suck.

by MrKoi May 16, 2007

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Cars movie

Only the greatest movie ever
Idc wat u say , i simply know so and im not open for discussion

Im so greatful for art.
If it wasnt for the cars movie movie, id be ded

by Orange Traffic cone November 25, 2020

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movie booty

when you get booty during a movie, like a booty call in a movie theater.

Person #1: How was the movie last night?
Person #2: I didn't pay attention. I was getting "movie booty."

by my friend darrell December 31, 2009

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bubblegum movie

A movie that is remaniscent of bubblegum. Suspense is built up through insane twists and upping of the ante, only to have the whole thing blow up in the end with a craptastic cop-out ending.

After seeing that bubblegum movie, Matrix Revolutions, I felt insulted and violated.

by Forseti January 8, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Popcorn Movie

A movie is garanteed to be, "eh". One that is sure not to win any awards. One only goes to see it as a excuse to eat popcorn and other junk food with friends. Sometimes with the intention of insulting it afterword.

Also, a movie that is overly advertised in theatre previews that you get the taste memory of popcorn in your mouth when you see the commercial on t.v.

Person 1: Oh wow, Fred Clause / The Comebacks looks like such a popcorn movie. It's going to be so stupid!

Person 2: Yeah, but what else are we going to do Friday night?

Person 1: True. We might as well.

by LindseyKiwi November 18, 2007

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the emoji movie

A amazing movie. I has emojis in it and it's really cool. Fun.

Friend 1: The emoji movie was lit
Friend 2: Yea the emoji movie is 10/10 ign

by NickTehBoss February 2, 2017

77๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

Barbie Movie


Person 1: Hey bro have you heard of the Barbie movie?
Person 2: ew no, that movie is anti-men(which is not and never will be), I hate feminism

by Bbbm July 26, 2023

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