This term was used in the movie Pineapple express, to refer to the cannabis plant aka marijuana
Yo man whose bringing the item number nine to the 311 concert tonight? You know there musics only good when your high
A girl who you can't see from the front, or maybe isn't good looking from the front, but looks damn good from behind. The nine, of course, refers to the 2nd-highest rating on the standard scale from 1-10.
Guy #1: Damn, look at the ass on that brunette!
Guy #2: Careful, she could be a nine from behind.
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The act of engaging, after a solid regimen of vaginal sex, in the act of anal sex; also known as sodomy. One can also hop onto the back nine right away if possible. This phrase is a simile derived from the game of golf when one plays the last nine holes on an 18 hole golf course.
Me and my girlfriend were having great sex last night when all of a sudden we tried to switch it up and ended up "playing the back nine" wink* wink*.
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When you suddenly realize you suck at performing simple tasks such as painting your living room or mowing the lawn so you run to Home Depot and pick up a couple of illegal immigrants to finish the mess you started.
"dude do you even know how to start a lawn mower?"
"nah man, we better call nine juan juan"
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1) Former NY governor Elliot Spitzer, who was given this designation by a call girl ring to protect his identity.
2)What one pitcher calls the opposing pitcher in the National League when he homers off of him. Cause he's his bitch.
3)A John who can manage to move his bowels 4 1/2 times during a single session with a prostitute.
1) Madam- Take client number nine tonight, and wear make him wear a rubber helmet.
Hillary (not her real name)- Good thing you're not running the witness protection program.
Madam- Shut your pie hole, and get on your back!
2) In 2001, Mike Hampton was client #9 to seven hurlers, but he was playing in Colorado, where I think prostitution is legal.
3) Madam- Take client number nine tonight, and bring some baby-wipes.
Hillary- **GROAN***
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Band that despite no longer being the centre of attention in the metal world, continue to rock, and rock well.
I am led to believe that Trent wrote the song "hurt", performed by Johnny Cash.
you let me violate you
you let me desecrate you
you let me penetrate you
you let me complicate you
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*The name for the phone number to call in case of an emergency.
*What some people call Nine-Eleven.
"Quick call Nine-One-One!!"
"What's the number?!"
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