what the boys in South Park thought was in mrs. choksondik's coffee to kill her in the Season 6 episode 'The Simpsons Already Did It'
news reporter: "They found semen in her stomach."
Tweek: "GAH! I didn't put your sea people in her coffee! GAH!"
Sexy sussy mussy sexy men out in da sea that wanna suck your succulent meat. 🤤
Dan- See those sea men over there?
Nigger- Nah bro
Libyan men are very rare, they are either very majestic and sexy or ugly ass fobs. Libyan men usually have beautiful curly hair or wavy hair, but many of them use 100k hair gel leading to their hair falling out, which is why many Libyan fathers are bald or have a receding hair line. Their sense in fashion is top tier and usually you see them around driving a Kia, Hyundai or Toyota. But be aware, if you find a Libyan man sliding in your dm’s you may not be the only one 🙉.
Hey, guess what! Someone just dm’ed me and told me the most heart melting thing I have ever heard. His hair is so fluffy but his father is bald, what a weird thing..but anyway he posted a story of his white Toyota! -Oh, is he Libyan by any chance? Yes? How did you know! -Oh trust me girl, I know Libyan men by heart, you’re not the only one that got a dm!
A very powerful gang who wants to return to monke. Usually found in central america but their influence spreads worldwide.
Hank: Dude I just joined the monke men
Travis: yo I'm thinking about joining too
A Men Meeting is a “Circle Jerk” all members will put their phones in the middle (sometimes with porn sometimes without) and perform a Circle Jerk
You going to the men meeting tonight? I hear all the men are going
A mean who willingly spends his money to be liked, wanted, and be seen by women who don’t give a f* about them.
My Trick (men) hoe calling me asking me to chill always wanting to talk, but he knows I only reply when something is bought for me. He’ll get me food, drinks, what ever he can afford to get my attention at the moment. At this point I know he knows he’s my hoe.
The butt men are a group of deformed digital birds with large gluteal areas that can crush you in a fraction of the time. Their collective name comes from a misinterpretation of a line in a song by Jack Black and Tenacious D.
"Be you angels?'
And we said, "Nay!"
"We are butt men!"