She's one of a kind, and very useful if you want to build a house in the trees or just chill in a farm. She also is very funny. Somehow.
I love fanny-Enzo, plus her name is really funny
Helping a fellow girl get away from a creep
Be my fanny protector and help me get away from is ugly guy
A term applied to males exhibiting stark changes in behaviour and personality following the introduction of attractive, bow-legged females into their everyday life.
Previous behavioural traits, pre-FH status:
-Emotional unavailability
- Acting cavalier when faced with most females
- Interacting minimally or on a needs only basis
- Frequently sleeping with multiple women simultaneously
- Travelling the world and living a generally high octane lifestyle
New behavioural traits, post-FH status:
- Enjoying the company of one particular female on a consistent basis, coupled by little to no interest in resuming ones formerly cavalier lifestyle
- Spending Friday nights in, deriving pleasure from traditionally middle-aged activities such as wine and/or Marmalade tasting sessions
- Wearing woollen sweaters
- Taking long sleeps, followed by further naps throughout the day
Man 1: Have you seen Rhys lately? Seems like he hasn't been out in a while.
Man 2: Nah man, he's a lost cause. That girl's turned him into a right Fanny Hasbeen.
Man 1: Bummer, was hoping he could sort me guest list to XOYO on Saturday.
The roll of fat which hangs in front of the crotch, usually seen tucked into trousers/pants.
Look at the fanny tyre on her!!
The reasoning behind fucking an ugly man due to severe hornyness
Would never have fucked him but had a severe case of Fanny fog
the debris and subsequent staining experienced after jizz escapes out your vag onto various items of furniture/clothing/pets before you manage to make it to the bathroom. Usually observed in several small fanny splats on the carpet if running. Can also be deliberate and vindictively placed.
please don't fanny splat my pillow.
i can't believe she fanny splatted my pillow.
Man makes woman's private parts fizz for excitement
Wow you got me all fizzy fanny