Source Code

Pounding COD

The art of excessively playing any of the Call of Duty titles to the point where you are pure beast at the game.

Jaden you have been Pounding COD like a warrior these past few days. your like a noob killing COD beast

by jadenator1987 August 2, 2011

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Pooper Pounding

To take a cock furiously in the butthole.

I couldn't believe what a whore Suzy was until I saw her take a pooper pounding by her German Shepherd and anal creampied the cum into a glass and drink it down for a pack of smokes.

by Anal Czar September 12, 2010

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pound the clown

1. a reference to male masturbation.
2. to waste time
3. also see "punch the clown"

I'm going to go home and pound the clown

I need help lifting this and Jimmy's over there just pounding his clown!

by SyntheticMindset January 18, 2011

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Five Pounds

Its when you rush to the bathroom after eating greasy mexican food that gives you bubble guts. Its the weight of the package you are about to drop off as soon as your ass meets toilet seat.

Where is Fernando?
He went to make a five pounds.
Damn mexican food.

by Morbidcorey May 5, 2011

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pound party

1. British slang; a party where most drinks only cost a pound (Β£).

Man, there's a pound party in my hall bar.

by Blast January 17, 2008

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Pound Sand

A phrase meaning to β€œfuck off” or to β€œgo cry about it”.

(Me destroying a kid in Madden)
Kid: *starts crying*
Me: Oh boo hoo! Let me play the world’s smallest violin for you! Pound sand, cry to your mommy and tell her that I beat you. Why don’t you just pound sand and rage quit, you’re just wasting my time.

by DodgersFanGaming December 24, 2020

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pound cake

A great dessert that you can eat at anytime of the day. If you do not like pound cake than you don't know what amazing tastes like.

Kid: Want some pound cake?
Other Kid: No.
Kid: Your kidding right?
Other Kid: No, I hate it.
Kid: Die!
(Gunshots fired)

by sonourus almond May 27, 2009

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