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The guy on the couch.

That dude that showed up with your homie, that you barely know who ends up staying at your crib long after your friend leaves, to smoke up the rest of your weed.

The guy on the couch.

by Untraced March 4, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

mackenzie (guy)

The most amazing guy I have ever met.

He can light up your day with one of his quick sly smiles - the smiles you can't ever get enough of. His eyes are pools of grey and blue you can just look into a find yourself lost, they are the eyes you wish you had. But his body? Hot damn. He is one of the most beautiful people you will ever see. His muscles are simply magnificent. You can run your fingers over them thousands of times, and never get bored of them. Even his wrists are gorgeous.

The way you feel when you're around him you can't begin to describe. He can make you laugh and smile when you're being serious, and can lighten any mood with one of his amazing puns. He is such a kind-hearted, sensitive, sweet, strong, hilarious, caring, bright, captivating, smart, heavenly, alluring, understanding, puzzling, polite, and orgasmic person. There aren't enough words in the 1,019,729.6 words of the english language to describe him. He is perfect. If you ever meet a Mackenzie in your life, it will instantly become better.

e.g. Did you see Mackenzie (guy) yesterday? So many girls were all over him, I had to fight my way to talk to him!

by Your Baby <3 November 8, 2013

211๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thup Guys

A person saying "Sup Guys" with a lisp, Also this person likes to coach JV sports

Thup Guys, Ready to watch the Shrine

by Mr. Dankies February 5, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

ourple guy

ourple guy (misspelling of purple guy) is a guy who is ourple

that is all

person one: yo who is that ourple guy
person two: and why he ourple?
ourple guy: *kills both of them*

by MarshyMarshmello January 5, 2023

giver guy

Default nickname for that coworker who always brings a cake or food or presents to every single office celebration.

I can never remember that giver guyโ€™s name; what the hell is it?

by Dr Bunnygirl September 27, 2019

Madison (guy

Madison's are all around the most amazing guy you will ever meet. Madison's are funny and enjoyable to talk to. They can always put you in a good mood when needed. Madison's are very athletic and very attractive. Madison's are cute and caring and any girl would be lucky to have a madison.

Dang madison (guy) is very hot I want to talk to him

by Basketballer2 March 15, 2017

bar guy

similar to socialite. For this guy the popularity contest never ended after high school graduation, it continues on at the bar and he sees it as an opportunity to redeem himself. His life revolves around going to the bar and playing the field. He tans too much,workouts and wears Ed Harty t-shirts. May or may not have money but acts like he does. he gets girls, but only because he is a high volume shooter. Seems desirable from a distance, but has a very flat personality. Many acquaintances few friends, spends way to much time online networking. Will often hear him bragging about how drunk he was at a particular social function, but in reality (with him knowing or not) he wasn't even that drunk, because he is a pussy.

she lives her life from one bar guy to the next

by wils87 November 19, 2009