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nong head

Slang for the word "nong". Also meaning idiot/stupid etc

"You are such a nong head!"

by kool_kimbo September 13, 2006

spontaneous head

Oral sex that is not requested, expected or prepared for. Common traits of the receiving parnter usually include shock and awe followed by extreme happiness.

Brendan was only on a second date with this girl, but when she came with the strong spontaneous head after dinner, he fell in love.

by Zack, Spontaneous Head Fan January 2, 2010

Jedi Head

The act of performing oral sex on a partner through the force. If one can force choke their girl, they too can force lick her pussy.

Padme: Can you do that thing I like when we're at the senate meeting today
Anakin: you know I can force lick a pussy like no other baby
Padme: Fuck I love that Jedi Head

by lickmygeiscreamcone February 9, 2020

omelette head

when someone's hair is two different colors so that the top is one color and the bottom is another.

a boy with a blonde top hair and dark bottom hair is an omelette head. or a girl who dies her hair blonde and lets the rots grow out dark so that all the hair on her head down to her ears is dark and all the hair below the ears is blonde....

by gibbergoo September 21, 2009


Something that is so intensely amazing or spectacular that it can't be described by words. It causes one's mind to collapse inward on itself due to the sheer awesomeness.

Pete: Hey dude check out my tricked out ride!
Paul: Damn bro this thing is head-imploding!


Dan: Yo dude you won't believe this, but last night my girl was frisky and I became a man; I am a virgin no more.
Rob: Nice dude, how was it?
Dan: One word: Head-imploding

by MikeTheWise October 18, 2007

Catch the heads

Denver slang meaning "fade," "run the 1s," or "throw hands." Used to differentiate an actual fight from "Catching the bodies" which is a game played by local schoolchildren where only body shots are allowed.

He a weenie, I told him if he got a problem we can catch the heads/catch these heads.

by MississippiIncenseMan February 14, 2023

skoke head

a skanky coke head; generally all coke heads are skanky but these "skoke heads" deserve a completely different word due to their excessive skanky behavior and coke addiction. you can usually find them sauntering the streets of los angeles searching for cock and coke, the majority of them in american apparel tube bras w/ film camera attached

Sydney: "omg i just sucked a dick for an 8 ball"
Jordan: "you're such a skoke head"

by thizzletriplets December 6, 2008