The difference between me and you
Brian: Damn Bryce how can you party that hard?
Bryce: That’s the cooter gap
A vagina that has not seen action or sex in a while
Oh that disgusting cafeteria lady is always pissed. She must have a cobweb cooter
A hot chick in short shorts and a tank top riding an e-scooter.
ME: Did you see that chick on the scooter?
FRIEND: Was she ugly?
ME: NO WAY! She's was a total Scooter Cooter!
a cooter, that is stretched to the size of a canyon.
she had a canyon cooter.
Nasty, crusted VAGINA, also infections of the vagina
She went to the bar and had a one night stand and now she has a cankered cooter.
When your clit gets stuck between a mans gapped teeth.
“Hey Erin, I had sex the other day and my clit got stuck between the guys gapped teeth, it’s called cooter catcher”
When your panties get pulled into your vagina.
Person 1: my panties got into a wedgie with my vagina
Person2: that there is what I call a cooter snatcher (deep souther twang)