Source Code

Cooter Gap

The difference between me and you

Brian: Damn Bryce how can you party that hard?

Bryce: That’s the cooter gap

by The chosen council December 31, 2021

cobweb cooter

A vagina that has not seen action or sex in a while

Oh that disgusting cafeteria lady is always pissed. She must have a cobweb cooter

by Ferbas January 26, 2013

Scooter Cooter

A hot chick in short shorts and a tank top riding an e-scooter.

ME: Did you see that chick on the scooter?
FRIEND: Was she ugly?
ME: NO WAY! She's was a total Scooter Cooter!

by Jivefool July 26, 2021

canyon cooter

a cooter, that is stretched to the size of a canyon.

she had a canyon cooter.

by mikyj August 18, 2008

cankered cooter

Nasty, crusted VAGINA, also infections of the vagina

She went to the bar and had a one night stand and now she has a cankered cooter.

by bamagirls September 22, 2014

Cooter catcher

When your clit gets stuck between a mans gapped teeth.

“Hey Erin, I had sex the other day and my clit got stuck between the guys gapped teeth, it’s called cooter catcher

by freddiemurc April 6, 2019

Cooter snatcher

When your panties get pulled into your vagina.

Person 1: my panties got into a wedgie with my vagina

Person2: that there is what I call a cooter snatcher (deep souther twang)

by Rednecktaco97 March 27, 2021