Source Code

Frosted Bowl

A packed marijuana bowl coated in Kief giving it a sugar-coated or "frosted" look

"My kief box is full, wanna smoke a frosted bowl?

by Wulver890 June 15, 2010

Frost Nips

Frozen Nipples, Glass Cutters, A True Weather Detector.

While Waiting at the Bus Stop the Blonde had some Major Frost Nips.

Kellys' Frost Nips Could Cut Glass!

Bria whats the weather today? Let Me Feel My Frost Nips!

by Professor Gert March 18, 2010

Frosted clam

When your pussy is exposed to very cold weather and it frosts up around those wet lips.

Paul took vacation in Alaska and found that the woman up there all had frosted clams. So cold that there pussies frosted up!

by Clamer October 20, 2016

frosting slingshot

When a man cums in a condom, then takes it off, and shoots the condom at his partner like you would a rubber band.

He gave that bitch a frosting slingshot.

by DarkIlluzionz April 23, 2021

Frosted Toes

When your toes are like little pink toe shaped icicles (they're always pink because of the cold, no matter what skin tone).Sometiems hurts, especially if you pour hot water on them

See:Bathroom Toes


Aww man....I totally have frosted toes...owwie....

by Fucktarded Scarecrow August 1, 2009

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Frosted Flaker

A bro (Jorge C.) who texts/calls you to hang out and makes plans with multiple people, including non bros (girls), to the same event, only to call/text last minute to scratch the event and bail to go hang out with his "Girl", thus breaking the sacred, Bro's before Hoe's" code of men.

3. Jorge-" Julio, you want to play some beerpong tonight and kick it with some girls?"

Julio-"Yeah bro! I'll call the girls and let them know to come over and play, I,m on my way to the house!"

Jorge-"Oh wait, never mind, cancel tonight, I gotta go kick it with my lady friend!"

Julio-" Wow, Dude you're being a Frosted Flaker on us....again!"

Julio-" Hey Kristi, I guess tonights not going down, Jorge decided to be a double Frosted Flaker and eat an entire box, Costco size of Frosted Flakes!"

by BetaBro184 February 6, 2011

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Pillow Frosting

Semen laying upon a pillow and or a womans breasts

I rolled over into a huge puddle of pillow frosting!

by PinkComet69 July 11, 2008

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