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The superiors of the world who are actually just clones on Winston Churchill.

The government is being very suspicious.

by Likkle boi ronny September 5, 2019


The government is as capable of lying as anyone else, including the police. Of course they are going to feed people statistics and trends that sound good to support their agenda, it gives them more control. Convincing people they have control of them by telling them they have control of the virus or some other surface problem is usually enough for them to keep doing what they're doing.

Everyone is part of the problem, including the government. The government is not really more qualified to do anything than most of it's people, it's just a group of people with control of more money, resources/supplies, and weapons than most of it's people.

by Solid Mantis January 27, 2021


A corporate entity, like the one that owns the buildings people live in, work in, shop in, dine in, play in, the doctor's offices they go to, and so on.

People ended up giving the government what the government felt like they deserved.

by Solid Mantis January 27, 2021


Personally the Government sucks, you have to pay the government to live. If u dont have money you're gonna fucking die..

The Government is complete shit.

by FuckGovernment January 14, 2021


The act of governing with out doing any thing in a summed up conclusion to the pedal story it basically means that they refuse to involve them selves in there on demise for reasons being r known but not tampered for a dollar to me is millions to them and yes In the passed we have been offered the chance to split I would have taking it ...“”

There’s a bird

Know a plane

There’s supperman


by Nippi kay June 13, 2021


Hey, you want to do whatever I tell you to do forever? No? Come one it'll be cool. It'll be like I'm some kind of warped, twisted, unfeeling deity.

Iam "Maybe it's not good for the reason what's his face says it's good. Maybe it's a 'good' thing because it exposes the government lie. Like, if most of the polls say that most of the people are self-censoring then maybe he's one of them."

Hym "As long as we're not thrown in a cage I don't care."

by Hym Iam May 1, 2022


See!? That's why it fails! See me robbing you!? Don't you need the government?

Hym "Right but your entire position on everything is 'Society doesn't need to do anything, you just need to be better and do my purported ethic!' And now that I'm like 'I don't need the government, you just need to be better morally in accordance with with your purported ethic' it's proof that libertarianism fails but... Without the government it's just you and the hammer clowns... It's seems to be the case that YOU need it more than I do... And only to get away things that you know are so wrong that it makes you cry when you do it..."

by Hym Iam February 20, 2023