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cole llamas and amaya reynolds

the perfect couple. they started dating 09/23 and today, 09/24 the kissed and hug. they both go to chaffey north. they are the cutest 2019 couple goals. A+C!!

cole llamas and amaya reynolds are the 2019 best couple goals. i hope they last forever.

by beendhatttg September 25, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A) n: A hand gesture in which you form a llama using the 3rd and 4th fingers as the top of the mouth, thumb as the jaw and two ears consisting of the 1st and 5th fingers. Then, swaying the hand alluringly, you smack the person suddenly with an open palm while they are still trying to figure out what your doing.
B) vt: Something done to a really ugly child.

exasperated girlfriend/teacher: "i told you security does'nt want you here anymore!"
boyfriend, clearly ignoring girlfriend: "damn that child is ugly. hang on, papa bears gotta llama-sita-strike-force-five that bitch..."

by lazystupidandcorrupt August 9, 2007

34πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

retarded jellybean coleslaw penis llama

the green llama thing that gallops through the fields freely

corneilious raped frankie one too many times

corneilious enjoys spending time with carol and galloping in fields together

by EmoHitWithBagel March 27, 2005

74πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Hwang Hyunjin, (aka drama llama queen)

Hwang Hyunjin, aka drama llama queen, is a member of a Kpop group called Baby Photos under JYP entertainment. Very dramatic and is the most attractive person on earth. Also, veryyyyy talented.

Someone: Ahh you’re so dramatic!
Me: You don’t know Hwang Hyunjin, (aka drama llama queen)

by Hwang Hyunjin future wife May 22, 2020

I hate it when a llama named Carl

A top result when you type in the Google search bar "I hate it when" - this particular phrase is a reference to the Filmcow series Llamas with Hats; specifically episode 1 where we see a handless corpse of a man leaning up against a wall. Paul inquires to his friend Carl what happened, after which Carl confesses to stabbing the man 37 times and eating his hands because he had "the rumblies". This google result alludes to being from the perspective of the stabbed man.

I hate it when a llama named Carl stabbed me in the chest 37 times and eats my hands.

by donutreplyplz July 1, 2022

I hate it when a llama named carl stabs me 37 times I’m my chest and eats my hands

Yeaaahh, me to

I hate it when a llama named carl stabs me 37 times I’m my chest and eats my hands Is one of the first sentence ideas that comes up when you search for i hate it when, in google

by Dragonhuntrrr March 5, 2021

182πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

llama neck

When your partner gives oral sex and goes all the way down.

"Yo dis bitch was giving me that Llama neck last night and made my asshole clap"

by Ben Dover Hoar July 15, 2014