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Grass Brain

After many years of being a Grass Head, one will shun their friends and family to marry their lawn. A form of insanity that few ever possess. It is a cureable disease that controls your mind and heart.

Mr. Smite is now married to his lawn. Some say he's just a wack job. But we all know he has Grass Brain. Poor guy...

by Spirit Girl September 8, 2010

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Snake in the grass

A loser who has no real friends in their life, that sees faults in relationships. strikes planting venom and gets off on it

That guy that got between mark and brian is a real snake in the grass.

by Snake3ater February 26, 2017

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Gunch Grass

Grass that is soo long that it will completely ruin your golf game. Not where you want to hit your golf ball.

The "ruff", "gunch grass'

by GatorDaddy91 October 13, 2010

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Grass puppy

A Grass puppy is a cow. So when people say that Cows are just ugly say no they are grass puppys

Alex- "Have you seen my Grass puppy yet?"
Sandra-"WTH is a Grass puppy?"
Alex- "A cow, duh"

by Lifewcee November 26, 2017

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Nipple Grass

The hair of either a man or woman's nipple area, usually on the rim

"Dude that guy was so hairy!"

"Ya man did you see his nipple grass!"

by zackie brew January 8, 2009

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Blade Of Grass

The finest natural blade in all 7 continents. Able to cut through material such as paper and leaves. Commonly confused with blades of grass that make up a yard or field.

Person 1: Wow dude is that a Blade Of Grass!

Person 2: Yep, forged by the greatest blacksmith of all time.
Person 1: Who's that?
Person 2: John Stamos.
Person 1: Wow...

by RedPando June 10, 2020

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laying in the grass

A euphemism for having sex outdoors.

Girl: "I hope you know that I hate laying in the grass."

Guy: "But why not here? It's perfect there's no one around for miles."

Girl: "Uh...Because it's dirty?"

by Lelouch0zerogeass October 1, 2020

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