Source Code

Texas Toast

A person subjected to execution by use of the electric chair.

The next guy in line on Death Row is soon to be Texas Toast.

Guy 1: "Did you hear about that murderer?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, convicted. He's Texas Toast now!"

by dexi March 1, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cheese on toast

It is what the it sounds like it is but it's either the poor man's meal or if u can't cook diddly shit than u cook cheese on toast

"Daaaaaad what's for tea ? " " the usual dear cheese on toast

by Minecraftkid72 November 24, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghost toast

Used to express the opinion or knowledge that a statement or belief is incorrect or purely lies. Often used as a playful and polite substitute for shouting 'bullshit'.

This originates from my mothers' explanation about the smell of toast in and around her home. It turns out that her new neighbours are spreading the notion that, because the street is built overlooking a British civil war battleground, the smell of toast is a remnant of the troops cooking breakfast before the battle a few hundred years in the past. In essence, the smell is described as being 17th century civil war ghost toast.

"All birthmarks on your body are from wounds received in previous lives" stated Linda.
"I'm calling Ghost toast on that one" replied Dan

I smell ghost toast

I'm not taking one more bite of your absolute ghost toast

That's utter ghost toast

by EarthFromObserver February 2, 2014

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Buttered Toast

To butter one's toast is to jack off and/or give a handjob

The male specimen took out his toaster. He began to butter his toast and prep it for the toaster. Said toaster was broken due to technical difficulties, so the being had to press the switch up and down til the toast became nice and crispy and the butter exploded from the device. (buttered toast)

by Oh. Yes. May 31, 2019

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sexy Toast

Just toast

Do you want something to eat?
Yes, I'll have some sexy toast please.

by Sparky Owl September 18, 2011

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French Toast

A sexual act when a man ejaculates on their partner's stomach, and immediately flips over the partner and burns them.

"Why does she have a burn mark on her back?"

"Cause I french toasted her last night"

by WaffleMan January 18, 2013

51๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

spam on toast

Amazing meal for all day

yo wants m spam on toast for breakie, lunch and dinner?

by BREADBIN April 13, 2004

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