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brain shell

your skull but you can’t think of the word skull so you say brain shell

your brain shell is your skull. it’s very important. pls don’t break your brain shell

by Therealjhoncena November 1, 2022

brain shell

ur skull when u don’t want to say your skull

“You’re brain shell is the bone around your brain” said the health teacher, “what’s a brain shell again teacher?” “your skull” he said.

by Therealjhoncena November 1, 2022


the psychological disturbance caused by prolonged exposure to active queefare, especially under bombardment.

- a state or feeling personal boundaries and human rights being violated.

under state-mandated diagnosis, Jack Oberlander was found to be suffering severe Shell-Queef-induced delusions.

"Me Jack me head hurt, noise go *redacted* "

by Jack seriously bud August 16, 2021

Turtle Shell On A Monkey Bar

Men who ride Harley's or other cruising type bikes, who wear turtle shell style helmets because they are not driving fast enough to need a full helmet usually. And they ride on a bike that has had custom steering handles installed. The handle bars are usually raised an additional 10 to 12 inches, making the rider appear to be hanging from a monkey bar.

"How bout that turtle shell on a monkey bar, his tiny helmet had huge skulls painted on it and he was barely able to hang onto his monkey bar because it was almost too high..."

by BOSS*bitch June 10, 2015

HEAT Shell

Its a High Explosive Anti Tank Shell, that uses the Munroe Effect to Pen Heavy Armor

T-34 (1st Gv.T.Br.) Turret Crew and Machine Gunner: OH weak HEAT shell from a Panzer IV (short barreld) surely it cant hurt us? our armour is 45 mm and the angle is (29-31°)
4TH HEAT shell hitting the driver: i go boom and you go bye bye

by Kaorl20 February 12, 2025

Sinister shell

When you eat a whole orange with its shell on, you refer to the orange as a sinister shell.

"Dude I was bored as hell and ate a sinister shell"

by ppaarrkk May 25, 2024

Armour-Pentration High Explosive shell

a Armour-Pentration High Explosive Shell (APHE for short) Is a Tank shell when the shell penetrates it explodes and sends shrapnel and explosion into the crew this is also called emotional event for the crew

Driver: yummy Armour-Pentration High Explosive shell

by Kaorl20 June 3, 2024