Source Code


insult, can be used in ways, mostly an add-on to insults

(e.g dumbass, asshole, etc)

jimmy: fucking retard who born u sped

john: shut the fuck up skid

by sIimshady November 25, 2019


In the Ancient Demonic language it is the word for the Strongest Demon

the First Demon Emperor was named " Skid " . He was the strongest , smartest and most handsome demon

He was popularly known as ' Darklord '

He acts as if he is Skid

by Skid Dragneel November 28, 2022


Skiing dirt bag, ski bum.

He's a total skid!

by SnowMiser453 January 17, 2020


skid is when u


by richrichypenguindude June 14, 2024


A lowlife that takes other peoples programs, scripts or apps and remakes or rebrands it as their own. Can be unofficial or official. Most skids use free programs to open the source code and edit the labels because they dont know how to code their own.

That skid took my installer and posted it as his own.

by CrazyRussianDeveloper December 25, 2021


(British slang) the leftovers of poo stuck on the toilet bowl after taking a dump.

"Someone has left skids on the toilet" "argh"

by boooooomrob July 31, 2020


A funny person who's very nice to be around but often ends up revealing a little too much about their mental status. They also have a lot of issues and problems with themselves.

Hey, am I a Skid?
Yeah, you are.

Oh hey Skid.

by Funniman2 February 4, 2021