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Tat Tard

Someone who has a stupid tattoo that makes no sense whatsoever to anyone that sees it.

Usually a foreign language, or letters from a different language.

Jeff is a tat tard. He got a tattoo on his arm in some funky foreign language that no one knows, it is probably Taiwanese and says, "Dumb Ass"!

by St.Mary January 14, 2006

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smart tard

A person who is smart when it comes to some things, but retarded when it comes to others.

She's book smart, but when it comes to street smart, she's retarded. That girl's a smart tard.

by Smart tards friend January 21, 2008

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1) One who is technically adept but otherwise quite stupid.

2) One who fancies himself a nerd but is actually technically inept.

The nerd-tard thinks a group of cellphones can pop popcorn.

by ad-92129 September 1, 2011

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British retard, generally a chav but also applied to British nerds.

-"Hey, do you like my outfit?" -"Dude, wearing that chav shirt you look like a Brit-tard. Go change!"

by DCoitus August 11, 2010

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Rofl-tard - N.- One whom laughs so uncontrollably, they appear to suffer from a mental handicap

ex.- "Wow she is such a rofl-tard milk is coming out of her nose!"

by Boogerballer3 February 6, 2009

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A synonym for retard coined by the cartoon series "Red Vs. Blue." The term was originally used to describe Caboose, who wears blue armor.

You're a stupid blue-tard.

by Mechafox July 16, 2006

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When a person's behavior or words transcend the definition of retarded, the person is defined as having reached the level of an o-tard or orgasmically retarded.

Person 1: Let me tell you a funny story about two cousins I knew in high school. One had no ass and a huge rack, while the other had a huge ass and no rack. All the boys thought it was so funny.

Person 2 and 3: You're an o-tard!

by Shanghaik June 5, 2010

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