Source Code

Dodge County

Obama hatin land. And where all your neighbors are crack head hillbillies.

I'm from dodge county.

Oh isn't that the place where everyone does drugs and hate obama?

by Kasamyst July 9, 2018

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Slaughter County

A county in Washington state, renamed Kitsap County on July 13,1857. Kitsap County is home to Port Orchard, Bremerton, Olalla, Poulsbo and Silverdale. Despite its beauty, Slaughter County is full of rapists, killers and meth labs. Jokingly known as Kidnap County.

That crazy shit must have happened in Slaughter County.

Wanna see the Slaughter County Roller Vixens roller derby tonight?

by Jesucka May 27, 2012

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Rockland County

a county of New York State that is 30 to 40 minutes away from the city. It is very dated, old fashioned, and lacks character. Nothing much ever happens in Rockland County. No parades, no fairs, no tourist spots. Rockland can be very boring, secluded, inaccessible, and very detached. If you do not own a car in Rockland, you are screwed, because you basically need a car to get around anywhere. There are no subways in Rockland. Buses come once every hour, instead every 15 minutes like in NYC. There no ferry boats either, except for the Haverstraw-Ossining ferry. Taxis drivers like to price gouge.

Sometimes you can go months or years without seeing your next door neighbor. If you plan raising children in Rockland, they have a strong potential of becoming couch potatoes if you live in a neighborhood without other kids. There are only 2 malls in Rockland. The Nanuet Mall, which is dying. The Palisades Mall which is a big monstrosity. There are also ony 2 strip clubs, Stilettos and Lace. Colleges in Rockland can be counted on 1 hand. For fun young Rocklanders often go to NYC or New Jersey. As result many young Rocklanders often move out of Rockland County.

People from NYC who moved to Rockland usually end up moving back to the city because they can't stand the monotony.

I don't know what my parents were thinking when they moved to Rockland County !!! It is so booorrriiinnngg Here!!!! I plan on moving to the city one day. I can't put my future children through the hell known as Rockland County.

by Sweet Brother Cheaper August 18, 2010

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Brunswick County

Located on the coast of North Carolina, Brunswick county is by far the worst place to live. It's filled with lowlifes, drug addicts, pregnant 12 year-olds, and over-religious bitches.

There's nothing to do there, so you better hope that you have enough gas money to get you to either Wilmington, North Carolina, or Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

People are so bored with their lives that they spend everyday on myspace, and they come up with new ideas to start crap with people. The more drama the better. they feed off of it.

All the good people there are hidden beneath all the fuck ups. You'll be lucky to find at least one true friend.

Good luck trying to dress the way you want to too. It's all about the "trends" there. If one person has their lip pierced, you "can't" get it. it's "copying." Brunswick County residents like to make every little thing a competition...the place is so small, and everyone knows everyone, that if you even look a little bit similar to them, they have a total and complete bitch fit.

Boys all follow trends too; but mainly it's all about getting certain tattoos, and certain piercings, listening to whatever band is popular, and wearing all the "cool" band merch.

1)if one guy starts to shave his head, make sure you do too! or else you will be a loser.
2)"god-free is the way to be. DON'T FORGET! stop going to church, change your religion to be like everyone else!
3)"fuck straight-edge." smoke blunts "errrday" and ruin your life. it's the cool thing to do.

girls all follow trends of dating the same guys once their other friend is done with him. friends sleep with eachother's exes, and then they all swap boyfriends and girlfriends again.

Brunswick Countyians are all suffering from huge, major psychological disorders, and since their families are messed up too, no one even realizes that they need help.

it's the worst possible place to live, ever.

be warned!
because if you enter, you may never escape.

Tim: "hey! i heard Cynthia caught an STD."
Jack: "oh dude, for real? that's messed up. she was probably spending another weekend in Brunswick County."
Tim: "yeah, probably. shits' spreadin like wild-fire there."
Jack: "for real."

by xj_simmonsx November 15, 2008

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Orange County

Very possibly the single dullest area on the continent. Not full of rich white people like the stereotypes, but actually populated almost exclusively by complete tools who lack common human decency, courtesy, respect, and any ability to drive. Occasionally one may meet some who isn't half bad, and even rarer are those that are actually kind of cool. Overall however, the people are general assholes who could stab you in the back without blinking. The one good thing about the OC is how hilariously Right Wing it is. In short, a pretentious, hyper-right, suburban NYC. I should know; I grew up there.

Orange County may be Hell on earth, if one can conceive it.

by Escaped the Orange Curtain December 10, 2009

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west county

A section of the suburbs of St. Louis. Marked by a lack of anything interesting or creative. Full of mindless suburban clones.

I never thought I'd make it out of west county alive.

by BeingAlive July 11, 2006

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Polk County

A land were cars are in front yards rusting away, next to chicken coops and burning barrels. All the men chew here and all the females are either prego or very over weigtht. Polk county is known for its hicks, copenhagen, coors, and softball. Unity High is the best school within the county, not Luck or anyother one. If your a redneck, your from Polk County Wi.

1. Lets party, only place we can is down in Polk county.
2. He wears cut off sleeves, must be from Polk county.
3. He looks redneck, must represent the 715 in Polk county.
4. There is no Gangsters in Polk county.

by JakeThomas22692 March 16, 2010

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