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Past Thought

When something happens, whether it’s a good or bad thing , and you look back at how different the outcome could have been if something had happened differently. Whether the events that led up to the moment were small or big, you know that the outcome would have changed for better or worse if you or someone else had not done what they did at the time. This feeling usually occurs when one is at a high or low point in their lives and they wonder how they got there. Then they look back at all the small things that had happened before that, sometimes as brief as a few hours or as long as many years. Afterwards the feeling is followed by relief and happiness when they realize that their actions were for the best and were well timed for them to be where they are now. On the other hand, dread and regret follow if what they did landed them in a bad spot and they keep thinking how changing the smallest action would not have put them where they are.

Jeff had a moment of Past Thought when he realized that he wouldn't had landed his dream job had he not offered a cup of coffee to his friend when they first met.

by Apple3.14 January 27, 2018

thought free

Being THOUGHT FREE would mean a state when you are devoid of any thought. This is what all serious followers of spiritualism would strive to achieve. This is different from being Thoughtless which has a negative meaning.

As I suffer from prostrate gland enlargement, I need to visit toilet often at night and being almost alwaysTHOUGHT FREE I return to bed from toilet and immediately and effortlessly fall to deep sleep.

by Shrimanmanna April 9, 2021

Thought a Lesson

Origin: sounds like "Taught a lesson".

A phrase to use when you teach someone a lesson that makes them think about their decisions again, usually after they wrong you.

Jake: "She cheated on you and you dug your keys into her tire wheels!?"

Me: "Maybe after this, she'll be thought a lesson"

by finnrmyman November 9, 2023

its the thought that counts

What you say when you get a gift you don't really like but don't want to hurt the other persons feelings.

Jack - Jill, I got you a gift! *gives said gift*
Jill- Aw how sweet, it’s the thought that count's though

(She doesn't like it, you can tell because she said “its the thought that counts”)

by Boiga6 July 23, 2022

it's the thought that counts

used to indicate that it is the kindness behind an act that matters, however imperfect or insignificant the act may be.

"when people give you things that you don't want, you must remember that it's the thought that counts"

by Arminkshipper August 8, 2024

refrigerator thought

After just returning home from the movies, you stand at the fridge deciding what to eat since the movie popcorn didn't really
constitute dinner. With the fridge door open, you puzzle through the movie's plot points, and there is a disconnect in
the storyline, some pivot point that says to you, "Screenwriter( or author) took me for a ride." It's when you scowl and realize
you've been had. It's when a plot point is so contrived or unbelievable that it insults the reader's / viewer's intelligence.

Occurs mostly frequently in movie sequels, romance novel series, and television drama series that seek to continue the money-making franchise.

Related to: "jump the shark," "pin the plausibility meter," "eyeroll." Shorter versions: "fridge it," "faceplant," "as if," "bin it.'

"Yep, my refrigerator thought? Nah, no way Jason Bourne could NOT have figured that out.."
"What a refrigerator thought! Not a chance that Corinne Giroux could have been fourth months pregnant and not know. "
"Yeah, fridge this 'Charlie Tango' crash in the "Fifty Shades.."series? Christian Grey's operation tracked down Ana via her cell phone to that bar in a matter of minutes. Not a chance that none of Grey's highly-paid security wizards could track down Charlie Tango? Seriously, even I can track a plane/helicopter via publicly-available websites, e.g., FlightAware, if you know the its tail number?"

jump the shark as if faceplant pin the plausibility meter bin it fridge it eyeroll

by Bleuz00m June 5, 2013

thought curse

When someone tricks you into thinking something (something incorrect)

John: Did you know that Obama died yesterday?!
Anna: No he didn’t....you must’ve fell into the thought curse

by CrystalTearing66 September 16, 2017